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Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993)RegulationsEnvironmental Regulations for Workplaces, 19873. Lighting |
(1) | Every employer shall cause every workplace in his undertaking to be lighted in accordance with the illuminance values specified in the Schedule to these regulations: Provided that where specialized lighting is necessary for the performance of any particular type of work, irrespective of whether that type of work is listed in the Schedule or not, the employer of those employees who perform such work shall ensure that such specialized lighting is available to and is used by such employees. |
(2) | The chief inspector may, by notice in the Gazette, from time to time modify the Schedule to these regulations as he deems necessary. |
(3) | With respect to the lighting to be provided in terms of subregulation (1), the employers shall ensure that— |
(a) | the average illuminance at any floor level in a workplace within five meters of a task is not less than one fifth of the average illuminance on that task; |
(b) | glare in any workplace is reduced to a level that does not impair vision; |
(c) | lighting on rotating machinery in such that the hazard of stroboscopic effects is eliminated; and |
(d) | luminaires and lamps are kept clean and, when defective, are replaced or repaired forthwith. |
(4) | With a view to the emergency evacuation of indoor workplaces without natural lighting or in which persons habitually work at night, every employer shall, in such workplaces, provide emergency sources of lighting which are such that, when activated, an illuminance of not less than 0.3 lux is obtained at floor level to enable employees to evacuate such workplaces: Provided that where it is necessary to stop machinery or shut down plant or processes before evacuating the workplace, or where dangerous materials are present or dangerous processes are carried out, the illuminance shall be not less than 20 lux. |
(5) | An employer shall ensure that the emergency sources of lighting prescribed by subregulation (4)— |
(a) | are capable of being activated within 15 seconds of the failure of the lighting prescribed by subregulation (1); |
(b) | will last long enough to ensure the safe evacuation of all indoor workplaces; |
(c) | are kept in good working order and tested for efficient operation at intervals of not more than three months; and |
(d) | where directional luminaires are installed, these are mounted at a height of not less than two meters above floor level and are not aimed between 10° above and 45° below the horizontal line on which they are installed. |
(6) | An employer engaged in building work shall cause all rooms, stairways, passageways, gangways, basements and other places where danger may exist through lack of natural light, to be lighted such that it will be safe. |