South African Airways Act, 2007
R 385
Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993)RegulationsExplosives Regulations, 20246. Danger area |
(1) | An employer, self-employed person or user must ensure that entry and exit from danger areas is only permitted‒ |
(a) | at the permanent authorised point of entry or exit: provided that entry or exit at any other point may be authorised by the explosives manager or a person authorised by him or her if the authorised gatekeeper has been informed thereof; |
(b) | for persons and vehicles authorised thereto by the explosives manager or a person authorised by him or her; and |
(c) | to visitors under escort by an authorised person who is aware of the hazards attached to the danger area. |
(2) | An employer must keep a register of the entries and exits contemplated in subregulation (1) and that register must be available on the premises for inspection by an inspector. |
(3) | No person may— |
(a) | enter or exit the danger area through an unauthorised point of entry or exit; |
(b) | enter or exit the danger area without first submitting themselves to a search by the authorised gatekeeper if so requested; |
(c) | enter the danger area with— |
(i) | matches, lighters or other devices or articles capable of generating heat, flames or sparks: Provided that authorisation to enter with the articles contemplated in this paragraph may be granted by the explosives manager for specific authorised use; |
(ii) | intoxicating liquor or narcotics or under the influence of these substances; |
(iii) | any other substance which may have an effect on a person’s abilities to function in an explosive area; or tobacco, food, medicine or drinkable fluids: provided that authorisation to enter with such articles may be granted by the explosives manager for purposes of consumption in licensed mess rooms and designated smoking areas: provided further that special rules for the control of such consumption and smoking, approved by the chief inspector of occupational health and safety will be made in writing and will be enforced by the employer, self-employed person or user; |
(iv) | radio transmitters or cellular telephones without the authorisation of the explosives manager based on a risk assessment by an approved inspection authority: Provided that such devices will be used in accordance with any conditions or guidelines that may from time to time be issued by the chief inspector of occupational health and safety; or |
(d) | do anything that will increase the risk or omit to do anything that will decrease the risk attached to work being performed in a danger area. |
(4) | An employer, self-employed person or user may not erect any buildings in the danger zone without first obtaining written approval from the chief inspector of occupational health and safety and complying with regulation 4(5). |
(5) | An employer, self-employed person or user must fence in the danger area in accordance with the South African Police Service's minimum specifications for fencing of explosives magazines (SAPS 412). |
(6) | An employer, self-employed person or user must ensure that hazard warning signs are maintained and displayed, clearly visible, at the entrance to any danger area, magazine or workplace. |