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Older Persons Act, 2006 (Act No. 13 of 2006)Chapter 1 : Objects, Implementation, Application and General Principles5. General principles |
(1) | The general principles set out in this section guide— |
(a) | the implementation of all legislation applicable to older persons, including this Act; and |
(b) | all proceedings, actions and decisions by any organ of state in any matter concerning an older person or older persons in general. |
(2) | All proceedings, actions or decisions in a matter concerning an older person must— |
(a) | respect, protect, promote and fulfill the older person’s rights, the best interests of the older person and the rights and principles set out in this Act, subject to any lawful limitation; |
(b) | respect the older person’s inherent dignity; |
(c) | treat the older person fairly and equitably; and |
(d) | protect the older person from unfair discrimination on any ground, including on the grounds of the health status or disability of the older person. |
(3) | In any matter concerning an older person— |
(a) | an approach which is conducive to conciliation and problem-solving should be followed and a confrontational approach should be avoided; and |
(b) | a delay in any action or decision to be taken must be avoided as far as possible. |