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Patents Act, 1978 (Act No. 57 of 1978)Chapter IV : Patent Agents and Patent Attorneys22. Privileges of attorneys |
(1) | Any person entitled to practise as an attorney shall, during a period of five years as from the date of commencement of this Act or such further period not exceeding five years as the registrar, on application made to him in the prescribed manner within the first-mentioned period of five years, after consultation with the law society of which such person is a member and the South African Institute of Intellectual Property Law may, in his discretion, allow, have such rights of representing a party to any matter or proceedings under this Act, as such a person had under the repealed law of representing a party to any corresponding matter or proceedings under the repealed law. |
(2) | After the expiry of the said period, any such person shall have no such right, unless he is registered as a patent agent or patent attorney under section 20 of this Act. |