R 385
Patents Act, 1978 (Act No. 57 of 1978)RegulationsThe Patents Examination Regulations, 20039. Subjects for Examination |
The examination shall be conducted in the following subjects:
(a) | Legal framework for the protection of Intellectual Property in South Africa, including trade marks, copyright and other intellectual property relevant to patent law - one four hour paper; |
(b) | S A patent law and practice -.one four-hour paper; |
(c) | S A design law and practice - one four-hour paper; and |
(d) | Selected international patent laws, systems, conventions and treaties-one four-hour paper. |
(e) | The drafting of patent specifications - two four-hour papers; |
(f) | Practical legal problems with regard to patents - two three-hour papers; and |
(g) | Patent attorney’s practice - one four-hour paper. |