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Patents Act, 1978 (Act No. 57 of 1978)RegulationsPatent Regulations, 1978Chapter 1 : Procedure in the patent officeOpposition proceedings before the registrar |
54. | Any person who has been notified of a proposed action by the registrar and who opposes such action or who opposes any such action advertised in the journal in regard to a matter to be determined by the registrar shall do so within two months of dispatch of such notification to him or within two months from the date of the relevant advertisement in the journal. |
55. | Such opposition shall be lodged on Form P15, which shall, if necessary, be accompanied by any documents to be relied upon and, if any other party is involved in the matter, copies of Form P15 and the documents shall be served upon him and proof of service furnished to the satisfaction of the registrar. |
56. | Any person who may wish to become a party to the proceedings may, within two months of the date of the notification or date advertisement in the journal or within any such extended period as may be allowed by the registrar file a reply on Form P15, accompanied by the relevant documents. Form P15 and the relevant documents shall be served on the other party in the matter and proof of service furnished to the satisfaction of the registrar. |
57. | When a reply has been filed or the period for filing thereof has expired and a reply has not been filed, the registrar may appoint a time and date for himself to determine the matter and notify the parties of the time and date thus appointed. |