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Performing Animals Protection Act, 1935 (Act No. 24 of 1935)


Performing Animals Protection Regulations, 2016

8. Appeal to Minister


(1) An appeal in terms of section 3M of the Act must—
(a) be lodged with the Minister in writing within 60 days from the date on which the officer has given the applicant written notice of the decision or action concerned;
(b) state the reference number and the date of the document by means of which such appellant was notified of the decision or action;
(c) state the grounds on which the appeal is based; and
(d) be accompanied by a prescribed fee specified in item 2 of Annexure B.


(2) The appellant shall be sent a written acknowledgement after receipts of appeal by the Minister within fifteen working days of receiving the appeal.


(3) A person who is appointed in terms of section 3N of the Act, as a member of an appeal board, and who is an expert but not an officer, will be remunerated in line with the provisions of the National Treasury Regulations.


(4) An appeal must—
(a) be forwarded by post, be addressed to—

The Minister: Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Private Bag X250


0001; or

(b) when delivered by hand, be delivered to—

The Minister: Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Agricultural Place

20 Steve Biko Street