R 385
Petroleum Products Act, 1977 (Act No 120 of 1977)RegulationsRegulations regarding the Levying, Collection and Reimbursement of Incremental Inland Transport Cost Recovery LeviesForm B |
PREPARED FOR: (Wholesale company) ........................................
Period: (Date/year to Date/year)
We, (name of audit company) have performed the procedures as described in the Procedure Summary below with respect to the Incremental Inland Transport Costs Recovery System, set forth in the accompanying schedules of (Wholesale company) for the year ended (Date/year). Our engagement was undertaken in accordance with the International Standard on Related Services applicable to agreed-upon procedures engagements. The procedures were performed solely to assist you in determining the volumes of Petrol, Diesel and Jet fuel transported from the coast to the inland market using each mode of transport; being road, rail and pipeline.
Procedure Summary
The procedures are summarised as follows:
1) | In respect of Annexure C [Incremental Inland Transport Recovery System - Registration form (previous Schedule)] |
1.1) | We obtained the volumes of petrol, diesel and jet fuel transported by pipeline in (year) from the company's stock system using a Management Information report, and agreed it to Annexure C. |
1.2) | We obtained Transnet Pipelines statements for all (year) pipeline movements and agreed the total injections from the coast to the total volumes reported in Annexure C. |
1.3) | We obtained the planned volumes of petrol, diesel and jet fuel to be transported by pipeline in (year) from the accountable manager and agreed it to the volumes reported in Annexure C. |
2) | In respect of Form A (Incremental Inland Transportation Recovery System Claim form): |
2.1) | We agreed the tariffs per Form A to the tariffs per the Department of Minerals and Energy (DME). |
2.2) | We obtained the DME table of all bridging zones in South Africa and re-performed the allocation of the company's depots and major customers per Form A to these zones. |
2.3) | Using a management information report, we obtained the (year), road and rail movements from the company's ERP system and agreed the total road and rail movements per product to the total per Form A. |
2.4) | We randomly selected 25 of the movements and performed the following: |
2.4.1) | Agreed the volume and discharge location to the ERP system. |
2.4.2) | Agreed the volumes, load and discharge locations to the invoice obtained from the transport contractor. |
2.4.3) | Agreed the volumes to the proof of delivery obtained from the depot or customer. |
The findings are summarised as follows:
1) | The volumes per Form A. |
2) | ........................................................ |
3) | ........................................................ |
4) | ........................................................ |
Because the procedures do not constitute either an audit or a review made in accordance with the International Standards on Auditing and International Standards on Review Engagements, we do not express any assurance on the primary bridging volumes for the year ended (year).
Had we performed additional procedures or had we performed an audit or review of the financial statements in accordance with the International Standards on Auditing and International Standards on Review Engagements, other matters might have come to our attention that would have been reported to you.
Our report is solely for the purpose set forth in the first paragraph of this report and for your information and is not to be used for any other purpose or to be distributed to any other parties. This report relates only to the items specified above and does not extend to any financial statements of (wholesale company), taken as a whole.
SIGNED BY: | ................................. |
DESIGNATION: | ................................. |
DATE: | ................................. |