R 385
Pharmacy Act, 1974 (Act No. 53 of 1974)Board NoticesGuidelines for Registration of Persons who hold a Bachelor of Pharmacy Degree, as Pharmacist's Assistant Post-BasicBoard Notice 138 of 2020 |
Board Notice 138
27 November 2020
GG 43934
The South African Pharmacy Council
The South African Pharmacy Council publishes for implementation the GUIDELINES FOR REGISTRATION OF PERSONS WHO HOLD A BACHELOR OF PHARMACY DEGREE, AS PHARMACIST’S ASSISTANT POST-BASIC in terms of the Regulations relating to the Registration of persons and the maintenance of registers (GNR 1160, published on 20 November 2000).
(a) | Guideline for registration of persons who hold a Bachelor of Pharmacy Degree, as pharmacist's assistants (post-basic) |
In this notice ''the Act" shall mean the Pharmacy Act, 53 of 1974 (as amended), and any expression to which a meaning has been assigned in the Act shall bear such meaning.
TA Masango
Address: 591 Belvedere Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083, Private Bag X40040, Arcadia, 0007. Telephone: 0861 7272 00. Facsimile 012-321 1479/92
The following guidelines apply to persons who have obtained their Bachelor of Pharmacy degree, either in or outside South Africa and have requested to practice the scope of practice of a pharmacist’s assistant (post-basic).
1. | Persons who have obtained a Bachelor of Pharmacy degree or equivalent qualification outside South Africa, and have applied for registration as a pharmacist may be granted permission, in terms of Regulation 38(1) of the Registration Regulations, to register as pharmacist’s assistant (post-basic) and therefore be permitted to practice the scope of practice of a pharmacist’s assistant (post-basic), under the direct personal supervision of a pharmacist in a pharmacy under the following conditions: |
(a) | their qualification must have been found to be equivalent to the South African Bachelor of Pharmacy degree by the South African Qualifications Authority; |
(b) | their application for registration as a pharmacist must have been evaluated according to Council’s criteria and found satisfactory; |
(c) | they must have been approved to write the professional exam by the Preregistration Committee; |
(d) | they must have written the professional exam and passed at least the Applied Pharmacy Practice within the Legal Framework paper; and |
(e) | they must apply to register as pharmacist’s assistant (post-basic) and pay the applicable registration and annual fee. |
These persons will be retained in the special register of pharmacist’s assistant (post-basic) until such time they are competent in the professional examinations and are released for registration as a pharmacist intern or until they have reached their maximum attempt at the professional examinations (i.e. 4th attempt) or a maximum of four (4) years from the date of approval of their application for registration as a pharmacist by the Pre-registration Committee.
Council reserves the right to terminate the approval granted should the Council deem it necessary. If this happens, the applicant will be removed from the register of pharmacist’s assistant (post-basic) and will no longer be permitted to perform services or acts pertaining to the scope of practice of a pharmacist’s assistant (post-basic), as this will amount to an offence that may lead to disciplinary action.
2. | Persons who have completed their Bachelor of Pharmacy degree in South Africa but, are not able to find employment as pharmacist interns may be granted permission to practice the scope of practice of a pharmacist’s assistant (post-basic), under the direct personal supervision of a pharmacist in a pharmacy under the following conditions: |
(a) | they must have completed their Bachelor of Pharmacy degree; |
(b) | they must provide documentary evidence that they have applied for internship positions and their job application(s) have been declined; |
(c) | they must apply for registration as a pharmacist’s assistant (post-basic), as permitted in Regulation 35 of the Registration Regulations; |
(d) | the approval will be granted for 6 months renewable, to a maximum of two years; |
(e) | they must pay the applicable registration and annual fee; and |
(f) | should they obtain a post as a pharmacist intern, they must apply for voluntary de-registration as a pharmacist’s assistant (post-basic) and follow the normal application process for internship. |
These persons will be retained in the register of pharmacist’s assistant (post-basic), until such time as the person requests voluntary removal from the register, normally when they elect to commence with their internship.
Council reserves the right to terminate the approval granted should the Council deem it necessary.
3. | Persons who have completed their Bachelor of Pharmacy degree in South Africa but, chooses to delay progression and registration as a pharmacist intern, may be granted permission to practice the scope of practice of a pharmacist’s assistant (post-basic), under the direct personal supervision of a pharmacist in a pharmacy under the following conditions: |
(a) | they must have completed their Bachelor of Pharmacy degree; |
(b) | they must inform the Registrar of their intention to delay registration as a pharmacist intern, where after they will be removed from the register of pharmacy students in terms of Regulation 6 of the Registration Regulations; |
(c) | should they so wish, they must apply for registration as a pharmacist’s assistant (post-basic), as permitted in Regulation 35 of the Registration Regulations; |
(d) | they must pay the applicable registration and annual fee; and |
(e) | Should they later wish to register as a pharmacist intern, they can apply for voluntary de-registration as a pharmacist’s assistant (post-basic) and follow the normal application process for internship. |
These persons will be retained in the register of pharmacist’s assistant (post-basic), until such time as the person requests voluntary removal from the register, normally when they elect to commence with their internship.
These guidelines refer to the registration and scope of practice of a pharmacist’s assistant (post-basic). As and when the regulations make provision for the register for pharmacy technicians this guideline document will be reviewed and updated accordingly.