Witness Protection Act, 1998
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Pharmacy Act, 1974 (Act No. 53 of 1974)Board NoticesA Pharmacist who offers Immunisation Services in South Africa: Scope of Practice, Competency Standards and the Criteria to Accredit a Generic Short Course for Pharmacists in Immunisation and Injection Technique, and delivering Immunisation ServicesPart 2: Competency Standards for a Pharmacist who provides Immunisation Services4. References |
(a) | ASHP (American Society of Health System Pharmacists). Guidelines on the Pharmacist’s Role in Immunization. https://www.ashp.org/-/media/assets/policyguidelines/docs/guidelines/pharmacists-role-immunization.ashx Date of access: 26 January 2021. |
(b) | Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) 2012 Guidance And Templates For State And Territorial Health Agencies When Establishing Effective Partnerships With Pharmacies During Routine And Pandemic Influenza Seasons https://www.astho.org/Infectious-Disease/Pharmacy-Legal-Toolkit/ Date of access 09 February 2021. |
(c) | FIP (Federation Internationale Pharmaceutique). 2020. An overview of current pharmacy impact on immunisation, A global report. https://www.fip.org/file/4751 Date of access: 26 January 2021. |
(d) | Ministry of Health – Manatu Hauro, 2020. Authorisation of vaccinators and criteria for pharmacist vaccinators. https://www.health.govt.nz/ourwork/ immunisation-handbook-2020/appe Date of access: 25 January 2021. |
(e) | NSW Government, 2020. |
https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/immunisation/Pages/pharmacist-vaccinationexpansion.aspx Date of access: 25 January 2021.
(f) | The Pharmaceutical society of Ireland (PSI) .2020. Practical Guidance when Providing a Pharmacy Vaccination Service during the COVID-19 Pandemic https://www.thepsi.ie/gns/Pharmacy_Practice/practiceguidance/PharmacyServices/Vaccination_Service.aspx Date of access: 08 February 2021. |