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Pharmacy Act, 1974 (Act No. 53 of 1974)

Board Notice

2018 Competency Standards for Pharmacists in South Africa

5. Development Process


The development process consisted of eight phases:


Phase 1:

Panel of experts

The proposed competency standards for pharmacists were developed in line with the FIP global competency framework (2012): April to June 2016.


Phase 2:

Task team appointed by Council

Council’s task team reviewed the draft document on 15 August 2016, 16 to 17 November 2016, and 8 to 9 February 2017.


Phase 3:

CPD, Education and Practice Committees

The draft document was presented to the Council committees on 6 to 8 March 2017.


Phase 4:


Council approved the reviewed competency standards for public comment: 10 to 11 May 2017.


Phase 5:

Publication of competency standards for public comment

The competency standards were published for public comment on 16 August to 16 October 2017.


Phase 6:

Task team

Council’s task team incorporated comments received from the profession: 6 November and 5 December 2017.


Phase 7:

CPD, Education and Practice Committees

Circulate competency standards document to Council’s CPD, Education and Practice committees for approval: 2018.


Phase 8:


Council approval of new competency standards for implementation in 2018.