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Pharmacy Act, 1974 (Act No. 53 of 1974)


Regulations relating to Pharmacy Education and Training

Chapter l: Standards of education and training of pharmacists

16. Delegation of training by tutor


(1) Subject to subregulations (2), (4) and (5), a pharmacist may not act as  a tutor to more than one pharmacist intern at the same time.


(2) A tutor practising in a pharmacy where other pharmacists practise on a full-time basis may act as tutor to more than one pharmacist intern, in which event, the tutor may delegate the actual practical training of all such additional pharmacist interns to such other pharmacists, subject to subregulation (3).


(3) In the event of subregulation (2)—
(a) there  must be one  pharmacist for each additional pharmacist intern;
(b) the tutor  may  not  delegate the training of  more than  four pharmacist interns;
(c) the responsibility for the internship of all such pharmacist interns must remain with the tutor;
(d) the tutor must inform the Council, in writing, of a delegation or of any changes to such delegation; and
(e) the  internship must be conducted in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations.


(4) A tutor may  act as tutor to a second pharmacist intern when the pharmacist intern already under training with such tutor has completed his or her ninth month of internship.


(5) A tutor at a provider of an education and training programme approved by the Council for purposes of registration as a pharmacist, may, with the prior approval of the registrar, act as a tutor to no more than five pharmacist interns at the same time.


[Regulation 16 substituted by section 17 of Regulations relating to Pharmacy Education and Training: Amendment, 2024, Notice No. 4937, GG50766, dated 7 June 2024]