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Pharmacy Act, 1974 (Act No. 53 of 1974)


Regulations relating to Pharmacy Education and Training

Chapter l: Standards of education and training of pharmacists

18. Pre-registration evaluations


A person may be required to undertake a pre-registration evaluation, which  may  be conducted  by the Council, as a  pre-requisite  for  registration  as a pharmacist in terms of the Act: Provided that if such person fails  such evaluation, the Council may require—


(a) the person to be re-evaluated at a time and date as may be determined by the Council; or


(b) the person's period of practical training to be extended by an additional  period as the Council may determine.


[Regulation 17 substituted by section 19 of Regulations relating to Pharmacy Education and Training: Amendment, 2024, Notice No. 4937, GG50766, dated 7 June 2024]