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Pharmacy Act, 1974 (Act No. 53 of 1974)


Regulations relating to Pharmacy Education and Training

Chapter III : Standards of education and training of pharmacy technicians

34A - 34F. Standards of education and training of pharmacy technicians


34A. Education and training programmes for purposes of registration as a pharmacy technician shall be approved by the Council.


34B. Only a provider that holds a certificate of approval for an education and training programme approved for purposes of registration as a pharmacy technician may provide such education and training.


(1) A person who has completed an education and training programme approved by the Council for purposes of registration as a pharmacy technician must, prior to registration as a pharmacy technician, undertake a traineeship contemplated in this Chapter for  a period or aggregate period of six months.
(2) The Council may exempt a person referred to in subregulation (1), partially or in full, from the traineeship requirement contemplated in subregulation (1) on submission  of documentary evidence to the satisfaction of the Council that the person has undertaken work-based  training as part of an education  and training programme approved by the Council for purposes of registration as a pharmacy technician.


(1) The traineeship referred to in regulation 34C must be undertaken—
(a) in terms of a contract;
(b) under the direct supervision of a tutor;
(c) in a community pharmacy, institutional pharmacy.  manufacturing pharmacy or wholesale pharmacy which  provides a minimum number of services  pertaining to the  scope of practice of a pharmacy technician, as may be  determined by the Council in terms of the Act, and which is approved by the Council i n terms of the Act for purposes of such training.
(2) A traineeship undertaken in terms of subregulation (1)(c) in a manufacturing pharmacy or a wholesale pharmacy must include, as part of such traineeship, a period of not less than 200 hours of practical training at a community or institutional pharmacy approved by the Council in terms of the Act for such training: Provided that—
(a) the tutor referred to in subreaulation (1)(b) must—
(i) make the arrangements for the keeping of necessary records of such training; and
(ii) inform the Council of the community or institutional pharmacy where the practical training will be undertaken:
(b) such periods of practical training must be undertaken at an approved community or institutional pharmacy and on the basis of  periods each of which must be at least five consecutive days;
(c) there is a pharmacist at the pharmacy where practical training is undertaken who must keep records of such training.


34E. No person must commence a traineeship unless he or she is duly registered as a pharmacy technician (trainee) in terms of the Act.


34F. No pharmacist or pharmacy may employ any person as a pharmacy technician (trainee) or in any other capacity which may imply or lead such person to believe that he or she is undertaking a traineeship, unless the requirements in regulations 34D and 34E have been complied with.


[Regulation 34A - 34F inserted by section 34 of Regulations relating to Pharmacy Education and Training: Amendment, 2024, Notice No. 4937, GG50766, dated 7 June 2024]