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Pharmacy Act, 1974 (Act No. 53 of 1974)


Regulations relating to Pharmacy Education and Training

Chapter V : Approval of providers of pharmacy education and training

42. Conditions for approval


(1) Any provider contemplated in regulation 41 must be approved, subject to the following conditions:
(a) providers of education and training for purposes of registration as a pharmacist may be approved for a maximum period of six years;
(b) providers of education and training for purposes of registration as a pharmacist's assistant (basic), pharmacist's assistant (post-basic) or pharmacy technician may be approved for a maximum period of five years; and
(c) providers of continuing professional development courses, supplementary training and courses determined in terms of the Medicines Act, may be approved for a maximum period of three years.


(2) The pharmacy education and training programmes must be conducted in accordance with—
(a) good pharmacy education standards;
(b) good pharmacy practice;
(c) the code of conduct as published by the Council in rules made in terms of the Act; and
(d) the provisions of other applicable legislation.


[Regulation 42 substituted by section 39 of Regulations relating to Pharmacy Education and Training: Amendment, 2024, Notice No. 4937, GG50766, dated 7 June 2024]