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Plant Improvement Act, 1976 (Act No. 53 of 1976)
Notice No. 619 of 1976
1. Definitions
2. Application of Act
3. Designation of registrar
4. [Repealed]
5. [Repealed]
6. Prohibition of conducting of business on unregistered premises
7. Registration of premises in respect of business
8. Term of registration
9. Renewal of registration
10. Exemption from registration
11. Termination of registration
12. Display, lapsing and return of certificate or registration
13. Requirements relating to sale of plants and propagating material
14. Savings regarding certain propagating material
15. Varietal list
15A. Registrar may enter into certain agreements for obtaining or rendering available of results of certain tests and trials
16. Application for recognition of variety
17. Requirements for recognition of variety
18. Consideration and examination of applications
19. Rejection of application
20. Recognition of variety
21. Alterations in and deletions from varietal list
22. Evaluation of variety
23. Establishment of certification schemes
24. Provisions of scheme
24A. Inspection for quality control
25. Power to enter premises, carry out inspections, take samples and seize certain articles
26. Importation of plants and propagating material
27. Export of plants and propagating material
27A. Distribution of plants or propagating material
28. Certain provisions to apply in respect of State
29. Discretionary power of registrar
30. Preservation, inspection and proof of documents
31. Secrecy
32. Appeal against decision or action of registrar
33. Publication or distribution of false or misleading advertisments
34. Regulations
35. Offences and penalties
36. Presumptions and evidence
37. Liability of employer or principal
38. Limitation of liability
39. Assignment of powers and duties by Minister
40. [Repealed]
41. [Repealed]
42. Repeal of laws
43. Short title and date of commencement
Laws Repealed
Establishments, Varieties, Plants and Propagating Material
Notice No. R. 1064 of 1980
1. Definitions
Chapter I : Registration of establishments
2. Application for registration
3. Renewal of registration
4. Return of certificate of registration
Chapter II : Requirements relating to establishments
5. Requirements for nurseries
6. Requirements for businesses where propagating material is cleansed
7. Requirements for businesses where propagating material is prepacked
8. Requirements for businesses where propagating material is sold
8A. Requirements for test laboratories
Chapter III : Records to be kept at establishments
9. Records at nurseries
10. Records at businesses where propagating material is cleansed
11. Records at businesses where propagating material is prepacked
12. Records at businesses where propagating material is sold
12A. Records at test laboratories
13. Keeping of combined records
14. Preservation of records
15. Submission of returns
Chapter IV : Recognition of varieties
16. Application for recognition of varieties
17. Consideration and examination of applications
18. Commencing date for tests and trials
19. Recognition of varieties
19A. Varieties included in the varietal list
20. Alterations in, supplementation to or deletions from varietal list
20A. Application for the alteration or supplementation of the denomination of a variety
Chapter V : Requirements relating to seed
21. Maximum mass of lots of seed
22. Requirements for seed which is not certified
23. Requirements for seed mixtures
24. Certification of propagating material of certain varieties required
25. Requirements for prepacked seed
26. Requirements for seed which is certified
27. Maximum mass of prepacked seed
28. [Repealed]
29. Permissible tolerance with regard to the indication varieties required
Chapter VI : Requirements relating to plants and propagating material other than seed
30. [Repealed] Maximum number of certified plants in lots
31. Requirements for plants that are not certified
31A. Requirements for potato tubers that are not certified
32. Requirements for plants and propagating material which are certified
Chapter VII : Containers or propagating material
33. Requirements for containers
34. Sealing of containers of prepacked propagating material
Chapter VIII : Marking and labelling of plants and propagating material
35. Marking and labelling of plants
36. Marking and labelling of seed which is not certified
36A. Marking and labelling of containers of potato tubers that are not certified
37. Marking and labelling of seed mixtures
38. Marking and labelling of prepacked seed
39. Marking and labelling of seed that is certified
39A. Marking and labelling of containers of potato tubers that are certified
40. Limitation on indications
Chapter IX : Import and export of plants and propagating material
41. Requirements for imported seed
41A. Requirements for imported potato tubers
41B. Requirements for imported strawberry plants
42. Marking and labelling of imported seed
42A. Marking and labelling of containers of imported potato tubers
42B. Marking and labelling of containers of imported strawberry plants
43. Ports of entry
44. Declaration relating to plants and propagating material imported for immediate export or for purpose other than cultivation
45. Examination and sampling of imported seed and seed intended for export
45A. Application for certificate for export of seed
Chapter X : Inspection and sampling of seed
46. [Repealed]
47. Availability of seed for sampling
48. Certificates in connection with sampling and analysis
Chapter XI : Inspection and sampling of plants and propagating material other than seed
49. [Repealed]
50. Availability of plants and propagating material for sampling
51. Certificates in connection with sampling and analysis of plants and propagating material
Chapter XII : General
52. Inspection and copies of documents
53. Appeal against decision or action of registrar
53A. [Repealed]
54. Payment of fees
55. Addresses for submission of documents
56. Supply and completion of forms
57. Offences and penalties
58. Date of commencement
Schedule D : Declaration relating to Plants and Propagating Material Submitted in respect of a Variety
Schedule G : Sampling Certificate in respect of Seed
Schedule H : Report of Test, Examination or Analysis of Seed
Schedule I : Sampling Certificate in respect of Plants and Propagating Material other than Seed
Schedule J : Report of the Test, Examination or Analysis of Plants and Propagating Material other than Seed
Schedule K : Application for a Copy of a Document
Schedule L: Declaration relating to Plants and Propagating Material imported for immediate Export or for Purposes other than Cultivation
Table 1 : Fees Payable from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024
Table 2 : Provisions relating to the Recognition of Varieties
Table 3 : Particulars relating to varieties to be published
Table 4 : Provisions relating to Seed and Seed Samples
Table 5 : Ports of Entry and Addresses for Submission of Declarations
Table 6 : Prohibited Weed Seed
Table 7 : Prohibited Insects
Table 8 : Varieties in respect of which Certification is required
South African Seed Potato Certification Scheme
Notice No. 875 of 2021
1. Definitions
2. Name of Scheme
3. Designation of authority
4. Application of Scheme
5. Requirements for acceptance as seed potato grower
6. Requirements for units and in vitro multiplication facilities
7. Separation requirements
8. Regulated pests
9. Establishment requirements
10. Requirements with regard to source of potato micro-propagative material
11. Requirements with regard to propagating material
12. Requirements with regard to source of seed potatoes
13. Registration of units
14. Refusal of application for registration as a unit
15. Terms of registration
16. Transfer of registration
17. Termination of registration
18. Inspection of units
19. Field sample
20. Store sample
21. Post-control sample
22. Ad hoc sampling
23. Harvesting and storage requirements
24. Conditions for certification
25. Containers
26. Labelling of seed potatoes
27. Removal of seed potatoes
28. Presentation for certification
29. Certification of seed potatoes
30. Records and returns
31. Withdrawal of certification
32. Powers of inspections
33. Discretionary powers of authority
34. Appeals
35. Payment of fees
36. Addresses for submission of documents
Table 1 : Common host plants of Ralstonia spp. (bacterial wilt disease) other than Solanum tuberosum L.
Table 2 : Maximum percentage of deviating and pathogen infected plants permissible
Table 3 : Maximum percentage of virus infected plants permissible
Table 4 : Maximum percentage of virus infected seed potatoes permissible
Table 5 : Maximum percentage potato moth damage and pathogen infected seed potatoes permissible
Table 6 : Maximum percentage non-pathogenic deviations permissible in seed potatoes
Table 7 : Maximum percentage Potato Tuber Necrotic Ringspot Diseases permissible in seed potatoes
Plant Improvement Act, 1976 (Act No. 53 of 1976)
South African Seed Potato Certification Scheme
Table 3 : Maximum percentage of virus infected plants permissible
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