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Political Party Funding Act, 2018 (Act No. 6 of 2018)

Chapter 6 : General Provisions

22. Report to Parliament


(1) The Commission must for each financial year
(a) prepare a report in relation to the Funds, setting out—
(i) the amounts received by and accrued to the Funds;
(ii) the allocations made from the Funds to the represented political parties and independent representatives;
(iii) the amounts spent by each represented political party and independent representative in connection with the purpose under the prescribed categories; and
(iv) the balance in each of the Funds and any amounts owing to the Fund as at the end of that financial year;
(b) report on all donations made to political parties, independent representatives and independent candidate in that year; and
(c) submit the report and the Commission’s books and records of account relating to the Funds to the Auditor-General for auditing.

[Section 22(1)(a)(ii), (iii) and (b) substituted by section 25(a) and (b) of the Electoral Matters Amendment Act, 2024, Notice No. 4790, GG50624, dated 7 May 2024 - Commencement 8 May 2024 by Proclamation 165, GG50628, dated 8 May 2024]


(2) The Auditor-General must audit and submit an audit report on the Commission’s books and records in respect of the Funds to the Commission.


(3) The Commission must submit its report and the Auditor-General’s report together with the Commission’s annual report in terms of section 14 of the Electoral Commission Act to the National Assembly.