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Postal Services Act, 1998 (Act No. 124 of 1998)
Notice No. 1554 of 1998
I. Interpretation and Objects of Act
1. Definitions
2. Objects of Act
2A. Ministerial policies and policy directions
II. Ministerial Policy Directions and Functions of Regulator
(Repealed) 3. Establishment of Regulator
(Repealed) 4. Composition of Regulator
(Repealed) 5. Reappointment and termination
(Repealed) 6. Co-opting of persons
(Repealed) 7. Staff
(Repealed) 8. General functions of Regulator
(Repealed) 9. Meetings of Regulator
(Repealed) 10. Attendance of meetings of Regulator
(Repealed) 11. Minutes of meetings of Regulator
(Repealed) 12. Notice to appear at meeting of Regulator
(Repealed) 13. Procedure at hearing
(Repealed) 14. Annual report by Regulator
III. Regulation of Postal Services
15. Prohibition on operating reserved postal service without licence
16. Applications for licences
17. Duration of licence
18. Renewal of licence
19. Application and licence fees
20. Prohibition on operating unreserved postal service without registration certificate
21. Application for registration
22. Operators regarded as having been registered
(Repealed) 23. Production of licences and registration certificates
24. Suspension or cancellation of licence or registration certificate
(Repealed) 25. Production of books and records
(Repealed) 26. Appointment of independent monitor
(Repealed) 27. Appointment of inspectors
(Repealed) 28. Powers of inspectors
IV. Postal Company and Postal Services
29. Subsidy to postal company
30. (Deleted) Fees and charges for postal services
30A. Insurance of mail and postal articles
31. Postage
32. Letters to take precedence
32A. Order of transmission of telegrams
32B. Telegrams which must be refused transmission
33. When postal articles regarded as being in course of transmission or to have been posted or delivered
34. Articles regarded as having been posted in contravention of Act
35. Postal articles to be sent to returned letter office for disposal
36. Articles subject to customs duty
37. Articles other than letters may be examined
38. Treatment of unclaimed letters in returned letter office
39. Unclaimed articles of value and articles posted in contravention of Act
40. Delay in transmission, in return to sender or delivery to any person other than addressee of article prohibited
41. Articles addressed to insolvent persons
42. Articles addressed to deceased persons
43. Detention of postal articles on order of court
44. Arrangements and agreement to convey postal articles
45. Compensation
46. Jurisdiction
V. Money Transfer Services
47. Remittance of money through postal company
48. Refusal to issue or pay money orders, postal orders or other documents
49. Money orders and postal orders regarded as bank notes
50. Money remitted through postal company in terms of Post Office Act, 1958
VI. Postbank and National Savings Certificates
51. Operation and control of Postbank
(Repealed) 52. Deposits in Postbank or National Savings Certificates in name of minors
(Repealed) 53. Secrecy
54. Transfer of deposits from or to another country
(Repealed) 55. Inactive accounts
56. Issue of National Savings Certificates
57. Regulations regarding National Savings Certificates
(Repealed) 58. Security for repayment of certain deposits and amounts represented by certain certificates
VII. General Provisions
59. Electronic mail and addresses
(Repealed) 60. Delegation of functions
61. Regulations
VIII. Offences
62. Failure to produce licence or registration certificate
(Repealed) 63. Failure to produce books and records
(Repealed) 64. Failure to appear at meeting of Regulator
65. Obstructing officer in performance of functions
66. Forgery of stamps, dies and other articles
67. Illegal practices in connection with postal articles and premises
68. Damage to post office or mail
69. Irregular opening of or tampering with mail
70. Wilfully obstructing or delaying mail
71. Wilful opening or delay of postal article or telegram
72. Impersonating officer
73. False declarations
74. Offences regarding telegrams
75. Divulging contents of telegrams
76. Attempting to commit or procuring commission of offences
77. Penalty for offences for which no special penalty provided
78. Evidence in criminal proceedings
79. Acceptance of official marks
80. Operating of postal services without licence or registration certificate
IX. Repeal and Amendment of Laws
81. Amendment of section 1 of Act 44 of 1958
82. Amendment of section 3 of Act 44 of 1958
83. Amendment of section 4 of Act 44 of 1958
84. Amendment of section 5 of Act 44 of 1958
85. Amendment of section 12W of Act 44 of 1958
86. Amendment of section 115 of Act 44 of 1958
87. Repeal of certain sections of Act 44 of 1958
X. Savings, Short Title and Commencement
88. Savings
89. Short title and commencement
1 Reserved Postal Services
2 Unreserved Postal Services
[Repealed] Postal Services Regulations, 2005
Postal Services Regulations
Annexure 1 - Form PRR 1
Regulations, 2009 Conveyance of Mail
Regulations in terms of Section 61(d)
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of the Regulations
3. Scope and application of The Regulations
4. Duties and Powers of the Conveyor
5. Legal Possession and Ownership of Mail
6. Security of Mail
7. Dangerous Goods
8. Prohibited Goods
9. Penalties
10. Short Title and Commencement
Schedule "A" : Schedule of Dangerous Goods
Schedule "B": Schedule of Prohibited Goods
[Repealed] Unreserved Postal Services Regulations, 2009
Unreserved Postal Services Regulations
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of the Regulations
3. Scope
4. Application for Registration Certificate
5. Application for Renewal of a Registration Certificate
6. Change of Information
7. Registration Fee
8. Duration of Certificate
9. Contraventions and Penalties
10. Short Title and Commencement
11. Repeal and Amendment of Regulations
ICASA forms
[Repealed] Price Cap Regulations for Reserved Postal Services-2011
Price Cap Regulations
1. Definitions
2. Application of these regulations
3. General Price Control Formula
4. Fees and Charges Filing
5. Addition of Services
6. Publication of Fees and Charges
7. Short title and commencement
8. Review of these Regulations
9. Contraventions and penalties
10. Fees and Charges Application
Accounting Separation Regs for Reserved Postal Services
Accounting Separation Regulations for Reserved Postal Services
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of these Regulations
3. Level of Disaggregation
4. Regulated Postal Services Business
5. Reporting Requirements
6. Reporting Deadlines
7. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
8. Accounting Separation Principles
9. Accounting Separation Methodology
10. Cost Centre Cost Pools
11. Business Activity Cost Pools
12. Attribution Steps
13. Measurement of the net avoidable cost of Universal Service
14. Audit of Regulatory Financial Statements ("RFS")
15. Operator's Procedure Manual
16. Procedure Manual Content
17. Review and Amendments to the Regulations
18. Records
19. Confidentiality
Annexure 1 : Regulatory Financial Statement Templates
Regulatory Financial Statement ("RFS") Templates
Annexure 2 : Procedures Manual Content
Procedures Manual Content
Price Cap Amendment Regulations for Reserved Postal Services, 2021
Notice No. 1095 of 2013
1. Definitions
2. Application of these regulations
3. General Price Control Formula
4. Fees and Charges Filing
5. Addition of Services
6. Publication of Fees and Charges
7. Repeal of Regulations
8. Contraventions and penalties
9. Fees and Charges Application
10. Review of the Regulations
11. Short title and commencement
Unreserved Postal Services Regulations, 2020
Notice No. 381 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of the Regulations
3. Scope
4. Application for a Registration Certificate
5. Minimum Operating Standards
6. Customer Complaints Procedures
7. Application for the Renewal of a Registration Certificate
8. Change of Information
9. Fees Payable
10. Fees Increase
11. Duration of a Registration Certificate
12. Third Party Contracting
13. Surrender of a Registration Certificate
14. Contraventions and Penalties
15. Short Title and Commencement
16. Repeal of Regulations
Form A : Application for Registration to Operate Unreserved Postal Service in terms of section 21 of the Act
Form B : Application for Renewal
Form C : Notice of Change of Information
Form D : Surrender of Unreserved Postal Service Certificate
Reasons Document on Unreserved Postal Services Regulations, March 2020
1. Background and Process
2. Submissions received on the Draft Regulations and the Authority's response
2.1. Definitions
2.2. Regulation 4 : Application for registration Certificate
2.3. Regulation 5 : Minimum Operating standards
2.4. Regulation 6 : Customer Complaints procedure
2.5. Regulation 7 : Application for the renewal of a registration certificate
2.6. Regulation 8 : Change of information
2.7. Regulation 9 : Fees Payable
2.8. Regulation 12 : Third party contracting
2.9. Regulation 14 : Contraventions and Penalties
Notice regarding the Fees Increase in Relation to Unreserved Postal Service Regulations, 2020
Notice No. 1953 of 2022
Schedule 1
Notice regarding the Fees Increase in Relation to Unreserved Postal Service Regulations, 2020
Notice No. 1711 of 2023
Schedule 1
ICASA Regulations, 2008
Regulations setting out the Minimum Customer Care Standards and Complaints Handling Procedure
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of the Regulations
3. Scope and Application of the Regulations
4. Core Principles applicable to SAPO
5. Complaints escalated to the Authority by Customers
6. Amendment And Repeal
ICASA Fees and Charges for Postal Services
Fees and Charges for Postal Services - 2009
Fees and Charges for Postal Services
1. Limits of mass and size of postal articles in the domestic service
2. List of postage rates and service fees payable on postal articles in South Africa for delivery in South Africa
3. Domestic parcel service
4. International mail
Fees and Charges for Postal Services - 2011
Fees and Charges for Postal Services 2011
1.1. Limits of mass and size of postal articles in the domestic service
1.2. List of postage rates and service fees payable on postal articles posted in South Africa
1.3. Domestic parcel service
1.4 International mail
Fees and Charges for Postal Services - 2012
Fees and Charges for Postal Services 2012
1.1 Limits of mass and size of postal articles in the domestic service
1.2 List of postage rates and service fees payable on postal articles
1.3 Domestic parcel service
1.4 International mail
Fees and Charges for Postal Services - 2018
Notice No. 6 of 2018
1.1 Limits of mass and size of postal articles in the domestic service
1.2 List of postage rates and service fees payable on postal articles posted in South Africa for delivery in South Africa
1.3 Domestic parcel service
1.4 International mail
Fees and Charges for Postal Services - 2020
Notice No. 54 of 2020
1.1 Limits of mass and size of postal articles in the domestic service
1.2 List of postage rates and service fees payable on postal articles posted in South Africa for delivery in South Africa
1.3 Domestic parcel service
1.4 International mail
Fees and Charges for Postal Services - 2021
Notice No. 57 of 2021
1.1 Limits of mass and size of postal articles in the domestic service
1.2 List of postage rates and services payable on postal articles posted in South Africa for delivery in South Africa
1.3 Domestic parcel service
1.4 International mail
Fees and Charges for Postal Services - 2022
Notice No. 1686 of 2022
1.1 Limits of mass and size of postal articles in the domestic service
1.2 List of postage rates and services payable on postal articles posted in South Africa for delivery in South Africa
1.3 Domestic parcel service
1.4 International mail
Fees and Charges for Postal Services - 2023
Notice No. 3051 of 2023
1.1 Limits of mass and size of postal articles in the domestic service
1.2 List of postage rates and service fees payable on postal articles posted in South Africa for delivery in South Africa
1.3 Domestic parcel service
1.4 International mail
Fees and Charges for Postal Services - 2024
Notice No. 4343 of 2024
1.1 Limits of mass and size of postal articles in the domestic service
1.2 List of postage rates and service fees payable on postal articles posted in South Africa for delivery in South Africa
1.3 Domestic parcel service
1.4 International mail
Fees and Charges for Postal Services - 2025
Notice No. 5824 of 2025
1.1 Limits of mass and size of postal articles in the domestic service
1.2 List of postage rates and serviced fees payable on postal articles posted in South Africa for delivery in South Africa
1.3 Domestic parcel service
1.4 International mail
X. Savings, Short Title and Commencement
88. Savings
89. Short title and commencement
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