R 385
Prevention of and Treatment for Substance Abuse Act, 2008 (Act No. 70 of 2008)RulesRules Governing the Quorum, Procedure at meetings and, generally the Conduct of Functions of the Central Drug Authority17. Role of individual Central Drug Authority Members |
(1) | It is the duty of every member of the CDA to participate actively in the consideration of issues brought to the attention of the CDA, and to act in all respects for the benefit and the best interest of the service and of the country. |
(2) | Individual members of the CDA may be mandated to deliver speeches and addresses on behalf of the CDA, in line with the contents of the NDMP and resolutions already taken by the CDA. |
(3) | CDA will not be held responsible for any statement made by individual members regarding substance abuse or related issues, unless explicitly mandated to do so. |
(4) | All individual members shall— |
(a) | be willing to meet and work with national, provincial, and local government departments, and keep them informed of the CDA's functions and accomplishments; |
(b) | be sensitive to the complexities and nuances of the various cultures in the country and show wisdom in establishing conditions most likely to forge links between planning and governance; |
(c) | carry out their functions with integrity, independence, and good faith, and shall act in the best interests of the CDA and the country; |
(d) | acts responsibly and fairly with the care, diligence, loyalty, and prudence of a reasonable individual; |
(e) | carry out their duties in a way that inspires confidence in the work of the CDA; |
(f) | avoid real or apparent conflicts of interest; |
(g) | make a full written disclosure of a real or apparent conflict of interest as soon as they are aware of it and shall resolve it in the best interests of the CDA; |
(h) | not assist any person or any organization in its dealings with the CDA when such intervention may result in real or apparent preferential treatment to that person or organization by the CDA; |
(i) | not use, for their personal benefit or advantage, or for the benefit or advantage of any family member, any information acquired in the performance of their duties that is not otherwise generally available to the public; |
(j) | not use, directly or indirectly, any facilities, property, or services of the CDA, nor allow them to be used, for purposes other than those expressly approved by the CDA; |
(k) | not mislead or attempt to mislead the CDA in consideration of, and decisions regarding matter serving before the CDA; |
(I) | not take, or directly or indirectly encourage , plead, instigate, or participate in any unlawful decision by the CDA; or |
(m) | not directly or indirectly encourage, plead, instigate or participate in a debate, conference, meeting or decision with any other person or body, the aim and effect of which is the cession of a right in favour of the CDA, or the breach of agreement by the CDA, or breach of agreement by any other person or body, of an agreement with such a CDA, or any other breach or loss of a right or the neglect of an obligation in such a manner that the CDA incurs loss or is prejudiced in any other manner, or is improperly or unlawfully charged with an obligation; |
(n) | not directly or indirectly discloses privileged or confidential information relating to CDA activities to any unauthorized person or body or the representative of such a person or body; |
(o) | not request or demand a direct or indirect reward or favour from a person or body, or accept a gift, reward or favour whether in the form of money or otherwise, as a reward for supporting a specific position in a matter before the CDA, or with regard to the execution or duty to be executed or performed by the CDA, or to disclose any privileged information; |
(p) | be explicitly informed when such information is confidential or privileged; and |
(q) | attend every scheduled meeting of the CDA as well as those of a committee of the CDA to which he/she has been appointed or elected, except where leave of absence has been granted to him or her by the Chairperson. |