R 385
Prevention of Organised Crime Act, 1998 (Act No. 121 of 1998)RegulationsPrevention of Organised Crime Regulations2. Tariff of fees payable to curator bonis |
(1) | A curator bonis appointed under the Act is entitled to a fee which must be assessed according to the following tariff: |
(a) | On income collected during the existence of the curatorship: six per cent; |
(b) | on the value of property, other than money, realised on completion of his or her curatorship: two per cent; |
(c) | on the value of money realised on completion of his or her curatorship: one per cent; |
(d) | on the value of property, other than money, subject to a restraint order where no confiscation order is made: two per cent; |
(e) | on the value of money subject to a restraint order where no confiscation order is made: one per cent. |
(2) | Despite subregulation (1), the Master may- |
(a) | if in any particular case there are special reasons for doing so, reduce or increase any such fee; or |
(b) | if the curator bonis has failed to discharge his or her duties or has discharged them in an unsatisfactory manner, disallow any such fee, either wholly or in part. |