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Table of Contents
Private Security Industry Regulation Act, 2001 (Act No. 56 of 2001)
Notice No. 77 of 2002
Chapter 1
1. Definitions
Chapter 2 : Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority
2. Establishment of Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority
3. Objects of Authority
4. Functions of Authority
5. Governance of Authority
6. Establishment and constitution of Council and appointment of councilors
7. Disqualifications for appointment as councilor
8. Terms and conditions of office, vacation of office and payment of remuneration and allow
9. Functions of Council and chairperson
10. Accountability of Council
11. Ministerial supervision of Authority
12. Meetings and conflict of interests
13. Committees to assist Council
14. Staff of Authority
15. Delegation of powers and assignment of duties by Council
16. Funds of Authority
17. Bookkeeping and financial statements
18. Auditing
19. Financial year
Chapter 3 : Registration as Security Service Provider
20. Obligation to register and exemptions
21. Application for registration
22. Renewal of registration
23. Requirements for registration
24. Register of security service providers
25. Registration and identification certificates
26. Suspension, withdrawal and lapsing of registration
27. Application for court order in respect of a security service provider
Chapter 4 : Proper Conduct and Appeal
28. Code of conduct
29. Improper conduct proceedings against security service providers
30. Appeal against decisions
Chapter 5 : Monitoring and Investigation
31. Appointment of inspectors
32. Code of conduct for inspectors
33. Inspection of security service providers
34. Powers of inspectors relating to security service providers
Chapter 6 : General Provisions
35. Regulations
36. Provision of information to Authority
37. Preservation of confidentiality
38. Offences and penalties
39. Extra-territorial application of Act and jurisdiction
40. Limitation of liability
41. Delegation of powers by Minister
42. Act binds State
43. Amendment and repeal of laws
44. Transitional provisions
45. Short title and commencement
Table of Offences
Code of Conduct for Security Service Providers, 2003
Notice No. 305 of 2003
Chapter 1 : Purpose, Application and Interpretation of the Code
1. Purpose of Code
2. Application of Code
3. Interpretation of Code
4. Definitions
Chapter 2 : General Obligations of Security Service Providers and Minimum Standards of Conduct
5. General obligation to act in terms of applicable law
6. General obligations towards the Authority
7. General obligations towards the Security Services and organs of State
8. General obligations towards the public and the private security industry
9. General obligations towards clients, and issues related thereto
Chapter 3 : Provisions regarding certain Categories and Classes of Security Service Providers and Different Types of Security Services
10. Application of this chapter
11. Employers
12. Persons occupying certain offices or positions
13. Management, control and supervision
14. Security service providers making security officers available to others
15. Private investigators
16. Locksmiths
17. Security consultants and advisers
18. Security service providers ensuring order and safety on premises used for sporting, recreational, entertainment or similar purposes
19. Security service providers providing security training
20. Security service providers installing, servicing or repairing security equipment or performing certain functions regarding monitoring devices
Chapter 4 : Obligations on Employers of In-House Security Officers
21. Effect of Code
22. General obligations
23. Specific obligations
Chapter 5 : Provisions regarding Improper Conduct, the Enforcement of the Code and Other Matters relating thereto, and General Powers
24. Improper conduct by a security service provider
25. Penalties in respect of improper conduct by a security service provider
26. Improper conduct by an employer of in-house security officers
27. Penalties in respect of improper conduct by an employer of in-house security officers
28. Improper conduct also a criminal offence
29. Procedures
30. Rules of evidence and related matters
31. Repeal of code of conduct
32. Authoritative text
33. Short title and commencement
Improper Conduct Enquiries Regulations, 2003
Notice No. 306 of 2003
1. Definitions
2. Appointment, designation, functions and dismissal of presiding officer and of prosecutors
3. Submission of charge, citation of respondent and notification to respondent
4. Conviction on plea of guilty without enquiry
5. Substitution of representative of respondent
6. Necessary particulars or necessary further particulars of charge
7. [Repealed]
8. Witnesses and related matters
9. Absence of respondent
10. Tendering of plea and related procedures
11. Application of procedural law and rules of evidence
12. Record of proceedings
13. Service and return of service
14. Adjournment of enquiry and costs of adjournment
15. Imposition of penalties, payment and collection of fines and other amounts
16. Cost orders in regard to enquiries
17. Suspended penalties
18. Confirmation, review and substitution of findings, penalties and other orders
19. Penal provisions
20. Witness fees
21. Delegation
22. Transitional provisions
23. Attendance of persons at enquiry proceedings
24. Repeal of regulations
25. Authoritative text
26. Short title and date of commencement
Regulations Relating to Appeals and Applications for Exemptions, 2003
Notice No. 1253 of 2003
1. Definitions
Part I : Appeals
2. Reproduction of records, form used for an appeal and assistance to appellants
3. Lodging of appeal
4. Prosecution of appeal
Part II : Applications for Exemptions
5. Lodging of an application for exemption
6. Requirements for an application for exemption and related matters
7. Submission of applications for exemptions and consideration thereof by Minister
8. Lapsing, renewal and review of exemptions
Part III : General Provisions
9. Duties of director and role of the Authority
10. Transitional provisions
11. Repeal of regulations
12. Authoritative text
13. Short title and commencement
Annexure : Form for Lodging an Appeal
means prescribe by regulation;
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