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Project and Construction Management Professions Act, 2000 (Act No. 48 of 2000)13. Powers of council with regard to education in project and construction management |
The council may—
(a) | subject to sections 5 and 7 of the Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997), conduct accreditation visits to any educational institution which has a department, school or faculty which offers project and construction management educational programmes, but must conduct at least one such visit during its term of office. If the council does not conduct an accreditation visit within that term of office, it must notify the Minister accordingly and provide him or her with reasons for the failure to do so; |
(b) | either conditionally or unconditionally grant, refuse or withdraw accreditation to all educational institutions and their educational programmes with regard to project and construction management; |
(c) | consult with the Council on Higher Education established in terms of the Higher Education Act, 1997, regarding matters relevant to education in project and construction management; |
(d) | consult with the South African Qualifications Authority established by the South African Qualifications Authority Act, 1995 (Act No. 58 of 1995), or any body established by it and the voluntary associations, to determine competency standards for the purpose of registration; |
(e) | establish mechanisms for registered persons to gain recognition of their qualifications and professional status in other countries; |
(f) | liaise with the relevant National Standards Body established in terms of Chapter 3 of the regulations under the South African Qualifications Authority Act, 1995, with a view to the establishment of a standards generating body in terms of those regulations; |
(g) | recognise or withdraw the recognition of any examination contemplated in section 19; |
(h) | enter into an agreement with any person or body of persons, within or outside the Republic, with regard to the recognition of any examination or qualification for the purposes of this Act; |
(i) | give advice or render assistance to any educational institution, voluntary association or examining body with regard to educational facilities for and the training and education of registered persons and prospective registered persons; |
(j) | conduct any examination for the purposes of section 19; and |
(k) | determine, after consultation with the voluntary associations and registered persons, conditions relating to and the nature and extent of continuing education and training. |