R 385
Regulations relating to Assistance to Victims in respect of Higher Education and Training, 2022 |
2. Objects and application of Regulations
3. Authority responsible for application of Regulations
4. Amount available for assistance
5. Assistance in respect of adult education and training
6. Assistance in respect of further education and training
7. Assistance in respect of higher education
8. Assistance in respect of skills development
10. Assistance relating to assistive device
11. Assistance relating to human support
14. Application for assistance
15. Subsequent application for assistance
16. Verification of status of applicant
17. Processing of application for assistance
18. Decision on application for assistance
20. Extension of assistance due to COVID-19
21. Payment from Fund to Department
22. Keeping of records and registers by dedicated official and administrator
23. Representations by aggrieved persons
24. Processing of representations
25. Cession, assignment or attachment of benefits
28. Short title and commencement