Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000 (Act No. 2 of 2000)NoticesPromotion of Access to Information (PAIA) Manual8. Access to Records held by the Department |
Certain records, excluding records that are available on request, are automatically available without having to request access in terms of PAIA. Other records maintained by the DHS must be requested from the DIO in terms of the procedures outlined in sections 11 and 18 of PAIA.
DHS records are managed in accordance with the provisions and requirements of the National Archives Act of South Africa, 1996 (Act No. 43 of 1996). Categories of records below are provided in accordance with the approved DHS file plan. Some of the records listed in the categories below may be formally requested, but access to parts of these records or the whole record may be refused on the basis of the provisions of PAIA as stipulated in sections 33 to 45.
*Automatically available: Records that can be accessed without having to request access in terms of the Act as stipulated in section 15(1)(a) of PAIA.
*Available on request: Records that can be accessed by following the processes as stipulated in PAIA sections 11 and 18; access to these records may be refused on the basis of sections 33 to 45 of the Act.
No |
Category |
Subject |
Automatically available* |
Available on request* |
8.1.1 |
DHS legislation (Bills, Acts, regulations and international commitments) |
Yes |
No |
8.1.2 |
Internal policies |
No |
Yes |
Risk management |
No |
Yes |
Anti-fraud and corruption policy framework |
No |
Yes |
Internal audits |
No |
Yes |
Disaster management measures and reports |
No |
Yes |
DHS annual reports and Medium-Term Strategic Framework (MTSF 2014-2019); strategic plans; Annual Performance Plans (2018-2019) |
Yes |
No |
Establishment and Operationalization of Human Settlement Centre of Excellence Research Capacity |
No |
Yes |
Departmental Annual Report |
Yes |
No |
Departmental Performance Reports (Quarterly and Mid-term) |
No |
Yes |
Departmental Guidelines on Performance Reporting and Planning |
No |
Yes |
Departmental Strategic Plan (5years) |
Yes |
No |
Departmental Annual Performance Plan |
Yes |
No |
Departmental Operational Plan. |
No |
Yes |
Occupational health and safety matters |
No |
Yes |
Security management |
No |
Yes |
8.1.3 |
Post control, establishment and planning matters. |
No |
Yes |
Vacancies, appointments and placements. |
No |
Yes |
Personnel records (Case files) |
No |
Yes |
Employee health and wellness client files |
No |
Yes |
Staff retention |
No |
Yes |
Staff development (plans, engagements, skills and academic programmes, learnerships, bursaries, scholarships, fellowships and reports). |
No |
Yes |
Planning, utilization, control and monitoring (HR plan, declarations, leave utilisation, overtime, social matters, movements and mobility, termination of services and exits). |
No |
Yes |
Performance management and development. |
No |
Yes |
Labour and employee relation matters (Case Files) |
No |
Yes |
Organisational transformation plans and reports (Employment Equity, Batho Pele, Change Management and Employee Health and Wellness) |
No |
Yes |
Organizational transformation (plans, commendations and social and change management). |
No |
Yes |
Delegation of powers/authority. |
No |
Yes |
Establishment matters.(Micro Structure) |
No |
Yes |
Establishment matters (Macro Structure) |
Yes |
No |
8.1.4 |
Basic Accounting System (BAS) Reports |
No |
Yes |
Personnel Salary System (Persal) Reports |
No |
Yes |
Budget (Estimates of National Expenditure for Human Settlements) |
Yes |
No |
Financial compliance (Treasury, Auditor-General, disclosures and declarations). |
No |
Yes |
Financial audits. |
Yes |
No |
Financial statements |
Yes |
No |
Claims.(Intergovernmental payments) |
No |
Yes |
Debtors system. |
No |
Yes |
Bank matters. |
No |
Yes |
Financial irregularities. |
Yes |
No |
Reconciliation of Accounts. |
No |
Yes |
Financial assistance (donations and sponsorships). |
No |
Yes |
Invoices, statements and payments |
No |
Yes |
Printed receipts. |
No |
Yes |
Supplementary accounting records. |
No |
Yes |
Journal transactions. |
No |
Yes |
Financial system appraisals. |
No |
Yes |
Pay sheets and pay slips |
No |
Yes |
Deposit book |
No |
Yes |
Registers (includes salaries, debtors, invoices and payments). |
No |
Yes |
Loss control matters |
No |
Yes |
8.1.5 |
Bids (proposals, specifications, advertisements and committees) |
No |
Yes |
Demand and acquisition (quotations, requisitions and acquisitions) |
No |
Yes |
Acquisition and Procurement Plans |
No |
Yes |
Fixed Asset Register, disposals, verification count sheets, assets and inventory lists, monthly reconciliations, asset movements. |
No |
Yes |
Registers (includes bids, suppliers database records (transversal), invoice/payment, stocktaking control sheets, commitments, accruals, payables) |
No |
Yes |
Orders and payments (systems, invoices, service level agreements (SLAs), stock take on inventory (plans), acquisitions) |
No |
Yes |
8.1.6 |
Local trips and journeys |
No |
Yes |
Transport (hired and government-owned vehicles) |
No |
Yes |
Log sheets |
No |
Yes |
8.1.7 |
Buildings, grounds and properties (needs identification and analysis, planning and design, acquisition and leases of offices and official residences, allocations, maintenance and alienation). |
No |
Yes |
Machinery, Equipment and other facilities (installation, repairs and maintenance). |
No |
Yes |
Energy efficiency and maintenance (Plan, management, inspections and reports). |
No |
Yes |
Service Level Agreement, Maintenance, monitoring, inspections and reports (Electrical, Plumbing, Pest Control, Hygiene and Cleaning Services). |
No |
Yes |
8.1.8 |
Promotion of Access to Information Act (Section 32 Reports: PAIA Manual: Section 15 list) |
Yes |
No |
Knowledge Management. |
No |
Yes |
Library Management. |
No |
Yes |
Records management (file plans; schedule of records other than correspondence files, transfers, disposals, reports and registry registers). |
No |
Yes |
HSS Environment applications (Housing Subsidy System, National Housing Needs Register and National Housing Subsidy Database) Maintenance, Support and Training Services provided to provincial Human Settlements |
No |
Yes |
Development and Support of Infrastructure Services for the National Department of Human Settlements |
No |
Yes |
Information Systems & Applications that support the National Department of Human Settlements business process and objectives |
No |
Yes |
8.1.9 |
Communication strategy. |
No |
Yes |
Departmental logo/emblem. |
No |
Yes |
Customer care call centre and presidential hotline matters. |
No |
Yes |
Press Releases. |
Yes |
No |
Profiles of Executive Authority |
Yes |
No |
Events, campaigns, launches and publicity programmes (includes speeches of the Minister and Deputy Minister and photographs). |
Yes |
No |
Departmental publications; Brochures; Newsletters; Magazines and Posters. |
Yes |
No |
Economic opportunities created by Department of Human Settlements (in 11 official languages). |
Yes |
No |
Human Settlements Programmes and Subsidies (11 official languages). |
Yes |
No |
Human Settlements 20-year book. |
Yes |
No |
DHS Media Monitoring (Television series breaking new ground (BNG), which aired on SABC 2.) |
Yes |
No |
Draft White paper on human settlements |
Yes |
No |
Social contract for the development of sustainable human settlements |
Yes |
No |
Guide to owning a Government Subsidised House. |
Yes |
No |
Project Process Guide for Human Settlements Programmes |
Yes |
No |
Leading Change (Delivering the New Urban Agenda through Urban and Territorial Planning) |
Yes |
No |
BNG Human Settlements Sector Journals |
Yes |
No |
Your Home your asset |
Yes |
No |
Finance Linked Individual Subsidy Programme |
Yes |
No |
Do not sell your home for short term benefits |
Yes |
No |
What is Title deed |
Yes |
No |
How to enter the property market |
Yes |
No |
Ensuring quality of houses |
Yes |
No |
Human Settlements subsidies |
Yes |
No |
Maintain, Caring and Greening your home |
Yes |
No |
8.1.10 |
Appointment of legal experts. |
No |
Yes |
Legal opinions. |
No |
Yes |
Claims, litigations and appeals. |
No |
Yes |
Prosecutions including serving of lawsuit documents. |
No |
Yes |
Contracts, memoranda of understanding and service level agreements. |
No |
Yes |
Department of Human Settlements [Legislation/Bills/Acts/Regulations & International Commitments] |
Yes |
No |
8.1.11 |
Records of interface with Committees of Parliament |
No |
Yes |
Replies to Parliamentary Questions |
Yes |
No |
Cabinet Memoranda |
No |
Yes |
Cabinet minutes and agenda |
No |
Yes |
Internal memoranda |
No |
Yes |
Records of Governance Structures and Ad-Hoc Meetings |
No |
Yes |
8.1.12 |
Monitoring evaluation and impact assessment system matters. |
No |
Yes |
Evaluations, Assessments and monitoring reports (includes impact, performance, project monitoring and beneficiary occupancy audits). |
No |
Yes |
Report on the evaluation of the impact of the Rural Housing Programme. |
Yes |
No |
Report on the evaluation of the performance of Social and Rental Housing Programmes. |
Yes |
No |
Measuring success in Human Settlements development: an impact evaluation study of the upgrading of informal settlements programme in selected projects in South Africa. |
Yes |
No |
Upgrading of Informal Settlements. |
Yes |
No |
Rapid Appraisal of Outcome 8: Delivery Agreements: Sustainable Human Settlements and Improved Quality of Household Life. Output 1: Accelerated delivery of Housing Opportunities |
Yes |
No |
Spatial and non-spatial information. |
No |
Yes |
Monitoring Evaluation and Impact Assessment 2013/14-2018/19: Policy and Implementation Framework for the Human Settlements Sector |
Yes |
No |
Environmental implementation plan: DHS 2015-2020 |
Yes |
No |
8.1.13 |
National Housing Code 2009. |
Yes |
No |
The Comprehensive Plan for the Creation of Sustainable Human Settlements of 2004. |
Yes |
No |
Towards Policy Foundation for the Human Settlements Legislation (White Paper) |
Yes |
No |
Finance Linked Individual Subsidy Programme (FLISP Policy). |
Yes |
No |
8.1.14 |
Approved National Human Settlements Development Plan (National Business Plan), |
No |
Yes |
Neighborhood Planning and Design Guideline (The Red Book) |
Yes |
No |
8.1.15 |
Project Readiness Matrix implemented |
No |
Yes |
Support provided for the implementation of the Catalytic Projects Programme |
No |
Yes |
Support provided for the implementation of the Revitalization of Distressed Mining Communities Programme |
No |
Yes |
Blocked Projects |
No |
Yes |
Upgrading Informal Human Settlements (includes plans, implementation, coordination and support) |
No |
Yes |
Project Process Guide for Human Settlements Programmes 2017 |
Yes |
No |
2015 Impact of the implementation of the social housing programme and evaluation of implementation of Social Housing Programme |
No |
Yes |
Social housing: Social Housing Act, 2008; Social Housing Regulations and social housing policy guidelines. |
No |
Yes |
Tribunals. |
No |
Yes |
Tenant support. |
No |
Yes |
Analysis, assessments, monitoring, reviews, reports and statistics on rental projects and programmes. |
No |
Yes |
Community Residential Unit Programme [CRUP]. |
No |
Yes |
8.1.16 |
The Home Loan and Mortgage Disclosure Act 2000 (Act No. 63 of 2000) |
Yes |
No |
The Home Loan and Mortgage Disclosure Act 2000 (Act No. 63 of 2000) Regulations: Notice 842 of 2007 |
Yes |
No |
The Home Loan and Mortgage Disclosure Act 2000 (Act No. 63 of 2000) Amendment Bill,2016 : Notice 247 of 2017 |
Yes |
No |
The Office Of Disclosure Annual Report 2016 on the performance of financial institutions |
Yes |
No |
Quarterly Report on the performance of financial institutions |
Yes |
No |
Booklet-Office of Disclosure Complaints Handling procedure manual (8 languages: English; Afrikaans; isiZulu; Sepedi; Setswana; isiXhosa; Xitsonga and Tshivenda). |
Yes |
No |
8.1.17 |
Establishment matters relating to housing institutions and entities (Entity Enabling Acts, Memorandum of Incorporation) |
No |
Yes |
Entity board matters (Names of Board members, term of office, Shareholder Compacts, Mandate documents, Board Evaluation Reports) |
No |
Yes |
Entity plans/reports (Strategic Plans, Annual Performance Plans) |
No |
Yes |
Monitoring and review of entities (Quarterly reports, Annual reports) |
No |
Yes |
Budget information and transfers (Annual budgets, MTEF information, grant allocations, transfers) |
No |
Yes |
8.1.18 |
Engagements, alliances and liaisons (includes matters relating to governmental, international and multi-lateral alliances). |
No |
Yes |
Govan Mbeki Housing Awards. |
Yes |
No |
Sponsorships for human settlement projects. |
No |
Yes |
The enhanced People's Human Settlement Process (EPHP) (includes old debts, pipeline/Rollout unblocking of PHP projects, Partnerships and Dispute resolutions matters). |
No |
Yes |
International Relation (Study Tours, Bilateral Agreements) |
No |
Yes |
Seminars, conferences, symposia and summits (includes campaigns & workshops). |
Yes |
No |
Policy orientation programmes (includes implementation and collaborations). |
No |
Yes |
8.1.19 |
Beneficiary and Community empowerment (includes implementation and collaborations, assessments monitoring and evaluation) |
No |
Yes |
Professionalization of the HS sector (includes business plans, qualifications accreditations and matters relating to training providers, institutions and management of HS professional bodies). |
No |
Yes |
HS bursaries and scholarships (includes policy applications and allocations, monitoring and assessments). |
No |
Yes |
Institutional capacity development (includes business plans matters relating to coordination, implementation and support of provincial programmes as well as assessments monitoring and evaluation. |
No |
Yes |
National Technical Capacity Development Strategy |
No |
Yes |
South African Cuban Technical Support Programme |
No |
Yes |
Skills Transfer Framework |
No |
Yes |
Housing Consumer Educational Manual |
No |
Yes |
Training Manuals for Councilors |
No |
Yes |
Introduction to HS management |
Yes |
No |
Framework for Women and Youth (Policy Framework). |
Yes |
No |
Reports on Human Settlements Environmental Scanning & Analysis (Economic trends analysis and Markets). |
Yes |
No |
Research (includes reports). |
No |
Yes |