R 385
Property Valuation Act, 2014 (Act No. 17 of 2014)Chapter 2 : Office of Valuer-GeneralPart 2 : Appointment of Valuer-General and Chief Operating Officer8. Appointment of Valuer-General |
(1) | The Minister must, subject to the provision of the Public Service Act, appoint the Valuer-General. |
(2) | The person to be appointed as Valuer-General in terms of subsection (1), must be a South African citizen, a registered valuer and have sufficient experience and knowledge relating to— |
(a) | public administration; |
(b) | public finance; or |
(c) | legal and constitutional matters affecting public administration. |
(3) | In the event of a vacancy in the position of the Valuer-General, the Minister must, subject to subsection (2), appoint an acting Valuer-General. |