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Property Valuers Profession Act, 2000 (Act No. 47 of 2000)
Notice No. 1305 of 2000
1. Definitions
2. Establishment of South African Council for the Property Valuers Profession
3. Composition of council
4. Nomination procedure
5. Term of office of members of council
6. Disqualification from membership of council and vacation of office
7. Election of president and vice-president of council
8. Appointment of registrar and other staff members of council
9. Decisions of council
10. Administrative powers of council
11. Powers of council with regard to registration
12. Power of council with regard to fees and charges
13. Powers of council with regard to education in property valuation
14. Powers of council with regard coinsurance
15. General powers of council
16. Funds of council and keeping and auditing of accounts
17. Reports to CBE
18. Committees of council
19. Categories of registration
20. Registration
21. Cancellation of registration
22. Authorised titles
23. Renewal of registration
24. Return of registration certificate
25. Grievance procedure in relation to registration
26. Recognition of voluntary associations
27. Identification of work
28. Professional conduct
29. Investigation of charge of improper conduct
30. Charge of improper conduct
31. Appointment of disciplinary tribunal
32. Disciplinary hearing
33. Proceedings after hearing
34. Appeal against decision of disciplinary tribunal
35. Professional fees
36. Appeal against certain decisions of council
37. Rules
38. Procedure and evidence for evidential purposes
39. Rectification of errors and exemptions
40. Liability
41. Delegation of powers
42. Offences and penalties
43. Transitional provisions
44. Repeal of laws
45. Act binding on State
46. Short title and commencement
Publication of Fees and Charges as provided for in the Property Valuers Profession Act 2000 (Act No. 47 of 2000) : Effective 1 April 2018
Notice No. 250 of 2018
Publication of Fees and Charges for South African Council for the Property Valuers Profession: Act No. 47 of 2000: Section 12(1): Effective 1 April 2020
Notice No. 259 of 2020
Publication of Fees and Charges for South African Council for the Property Valuers Profession: Act No. 47 of 2000: Section 12(1): Effective 1 April 2021 until 31 March 2022
Notice No. 216 of 2021
Publication of Fees and Charges for South African Council for the Property Valuers Profession: Act No. 47 of 2000: Section 12(1): Effective 1 April 2022 until 31 March 2023
Notice No. 1004 of 2022
Publication of Fees and Charges for South African Council for the Property Valuers Profession: Act No. 47 of 2000: Section 12(1) : Effective 1 April 2023 until 31 March 2024
Notice No. 1755 of 2023
Publication of Fees and Charges for South African Council for the Property Valuers Profession: Act No. 47 of 2000: Section 12(1): Effective 1 April 2024 until 31 March 2025
Notice No. 2406 of 2024
Board Notices
Guideline Professional Fees determined in terms of section 35(2) of the Act
Board Notice No. 138 of 2010
1.0 Professional Fees for valuations
2.0 Time charge
3.0 Rental valuations
4.0 Fees for attending court, arbitration or other proceedings, enquiries or meetings to give evidence or for consultations and when appointed as a member of any such court of proceedings
5.0 Fees for acting as an arbitrator, mediator, member of a tribunal or assessor in court proceedings
6.0 Allowances
7.0 Disbursements and costs
8.0 Interest on overdue accounts
9.0 Consultation
10.0 Interim accounts
11.0 Deposits
12.0 Investigation of accounts
[Repealed] Rules for the Property Valuers Profession, 2008
Board Notice 119 of 2008
Part I : Definitions
1. Definitions
[Repealed] Part II : Nomination Procedure (Sections 3 and 4)
2. [Repealed] Invitation
3. [Repealed] Format
Part III : Registrar: Performance Agreement (Section 8(2))
4. Performance agreement
Part IV : Registration (Sections 11(b), 20(2), 21(1)(a)(iii) and 23)
5. Validity of registration
6. Confirmation of payment and registration card
7. Registration of certificates
7A. Abbreviations or acronyms
8. Candidates prohibited to canvass work
8A. Renewal of registration
Part V : Specific Rules Pertaining to Registration in Various Categories (Sections 19, 20, 22(2) and 37)
9. Specific rules and specific categories
Part VI : Application Forms
10. Prescribed application form
Part VII : Foreign Examinations
11. Foreign examinations
Part VIII : Prescribed Scope, Variety, Nature and Standard of Practical Experience Required for Registration as Professional and in Specified Categories (Section 20(2)(a)(iii))
12. Required practical experience
13. Required scope, variety, nature and standard
14. Assessment of practical experience
15. Application of assessment
Part VIIIA : Valuation Reports
15A. International valuation standards
Part IX : Renewal of Registration - Voluntary Associations
16. Manner of Renewal of Recognition
Part X : General
17. Repeal of rules
28. Short title and commencement
Schedule (Rule 17)
Annexure A : Performance Agreement - Registrar
Annexure B : Assessments of Experience in Property Valuation
Annexure C.1 : Further Specific Rules - Professional Valuers/Associated Valuers and Candidate Valuers
Annexure C.2 : Specific Rules - Single Residential Property Assessors and Candidate Single Residential Property Assessors
Annexure C.3 : Specific Rules - Public Sector Professional Associated Valuers
Nomination Rules for the Property Valuers Profession, 2017
Notice No. 319 of 2017
Part I : Definitions
1. Definitions
Part II : Nomination Procedure
2. Invitation
3. Format
4. Recommendation Panel
5. Assessment of Nominations
Part III : General
6. Repeal of rules
7. Short title and commencement
Rules for the Property Valuers Profession Amendment, 2022
Notice No. 653 of 2019
Part l : Definitions
1. Definitions
Part ll : Registrar's performance agreement
2. Performance agreement
Part lll : Specific Rules pertain registration in various categories
3. Specific rules and specific categories
Part IV : Scope, variety, nature and standard of practical experience required for registration as professional and specified categories
4. Required practical experience
5. Required scope, variety, nature and standard
6. Assessment of practical experience
7. Application of assessment
Part V : Qualifications obtained outside the Republic of South Africa
8. Requirements
Part VI : Registration - General matters
9. Application form
10. Registration certificates
11. Confirmation of payment and registration card or document
12. Validity of registration
13. Renewal of registration
14. Granting of continuous education and training (CET) hours
15. Abbreviations and acronyms
Part VII : Candidates and valuations
16. Candidates prohibited from canvassing valuation work
Part VIII : Valuation reports
17. International valuation standards
Part IX : Voluntary associations
18. Renewal of recognition
Part X : General
19. Transitional provision
20. Repeal of Rules
21. Short title and commencement
Schedule (Rule 20)
Annexure A : Registrar's performance agreement
Annexure B : Assessment of experience in property valuation
Annexure C.1 : Further specific requirements: Professional valuer, professional associated valuer and candidate valuer
1. Academic requirements and prior learning
2. Admission examinations
3. Required practical experience
4. Required scope, variety, nature and standard of practical experience
5. Assessment of practical experience
6. Application of assessment outcome
7. Additional requirements
8. Supervision and control
9. Removal of registration conditions
Annexure C.2 : Specific requirements: single residential property assessor and candidate single residential property assessor
1. Academic requirements and prior learning
2. Examinations and requirements
3. Required practical experience
4. Required scope, variety, nature and standard of practical experience
5. Assessment of practical experience
6. Application of assessment outcome
7. Additional requirements
8. Supervision and control
9. Restrictions and conditions
10. Cancellation or variation of restrictions and conditions
Annexure C.3 : Specific requirements: Public sector professional associated valuers
1. Definitions
2. Registration of public sector professional associated valuers
Annexure C.4 : Specific Rules in respect of Plant and equipment assessors and candidate plant and equipment assessors
1. Definitions
2. Registration of an Assessor
3. Registration of Professional
4. Registration of Candidate
Property Valuers Profession Act, 2000 (Act No. 47 of 2000)
Board Notices
Guideline Professional Fees determined in terms of section 35(2) of the Act
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