R 385
Property Valuers Profession Act, 2000 (Act No. 47 of 2000)RulesRules for the Property Valuers Profession Amendment, 2022AnnexuresAnnexure C.1: Further specific requirements: Professional valuer, professional associated valuer and candidate valuer1. Academic requirements and prior learning |
(1) | For the purposes of this item "relevant prior learning in property valuation" means the practical process or assessment by or on behalf of the council of what a person applying for registration as a candidate valuer knows and can do and may lead to the recognition of (practical) knowledge and skills, regardless of how it has been required, and includes, but not limited to— |
(a) | confirmed workplace experience and aptitude; |
(b) | oral questioning; |
(c) | oral or written examinations; |
(d) | assignments; |
(e) | essays; |
(f) | workshops and work schools; or |
(g) | any other technique, tool or assessment method the council may determine from time to time so as to assess the candidate’s competency and suitability for registration. |
(2) | A person wishing to be registered in terms of this Annexure shall submit written proof— |
(a) | in the case of a candidate valuer that, he/she— |
(i) | is enrolled for an academic qualification recognized by the council; or |
(ii) | has the relevant prior learning in property valuation contemplated in section 20(2) (b) (iii) of the Act; and |
(b) | in the case of a professional, that he/ she is in possession of an academic qualification recognized by the council. |
(3) | A person wishing to invoke or rely on the provisions of section 20(2)(b)(iii) of the Act, shall comply with the determinations made by the council from time to time in respect of relevant prior learning in property valuation, which must be satisfied by him/ her. |
(4) | Notwithstanding anything contained in the RPVP with regard to section 20(2) (a) (ii) of the Act, a registered person wishing to be registered as a professional valuer, must with effect from 1 October 2020 or such further period as the council may determine in general or in a particular case, be in possession of the following academic qualifications recognised by the council— |
(a) | a four year degree in property valuation recognized by the council; or |
(b) | another relevant or equivalent degree recognized by the council together with a (national) diploma in real estate recognized by the council. |
(a) | A professional associated valuer who, on 30 September 2020, is not in possession of a qualification referred to or contemplated in subitem (4), but wishing to sit for the admission examination referred to in item 2(1) must, within a period of five years from 1 October 2020,or a further period as the council may determine in general or in particular, attend, complete and pass a course, programme or advanced diploma from an educational institution offering an accredited property valuation programme in order to attain the following competencies— |
(i) | advanced property valuation |
(ii) | property investment analysis and |
(iii) | property market analysis. |
(b) | The council may, pending the commencement of the requirements referred to in paragraph (a), exempt the professional associated valuer concerned from complying with the time limits or minimum periods referred to in the condition to rule 13 or item 2(2)(b). |