R 385
Public Administration Management Act (Act No. 11 of 2014)RegulationsOffice of Standards and Compliance Regulations, 20222. Powers and functions of head of Office |
(1) | The functions of the head of Office are |
(a) | to advise the Minister on— |
(i) | the determination of minimum norms and standards; |
(ii) | the enforcing of compliance with minimum norms and standards; and |
(iii) | establishing frameworks, structures and processes for the setting of minimum norms and standards from regulatory norms; |
(b) | to assess the appropriateness of— |
(i) | minimum norms and standards, and |
(ii) | public administration norms and standards; |
(c) | to ensure that the Office promotes, monitors and takes the necessary steps to secure compliance with— |
(i) | minimum norms and standards; and |
(ii) | public administration norms and standards; |
(d) | in order to give effect to paragraph (f) to develop and implement— |
(i) | an early warning system to detect public administration non-compliance and; |
(ii) | a monitoring framework for data governance including a format for monitoring reports; |
(e) | to ensure that the Office performs its other functions in terms of section 17(4) and (6) of the Act; and |
(f) | to report in terms of section 17(4)(f) and (6)(d) of the Act— |
(i) | on the performance of the Office's functions at least once a quarter; |
(ii) | annually, together with a report referred to in subparagraph (i) on the effectiveness of the minimum norms and standards or any other matter related to the Office's functions; and |
(iii) | as directed by the Minister, on the progress made in any investigation and finalisation of matters brought before the Office, or any other matter referred to subparagrpah (ii). |
(2) | For the purposes of a report referred to sub-regulation (1)(f)(ii) and (iii), the report must include details on the failure to— |
(a) | comply with compliance orders issued under regulation 4(4); |
(b) | mitigate non-compliance; and |
(c) | conduct self-diagnostic assessments on capacity and functionality audits. |
(3) | In order to perform the functions and fulfil the objects of the Office, the head of Office may— |
(a) | do whatever is reasonably necessary to perform the functions of the Office; and |
(b) | delegate any of the head of Office's funcitons to a member. |
(4) | Any member to whom a function has been delegated under this regulation must exercise that function subject to the conditions that the head of Office considers appropriate. |
(5) | Any delegation of a function in terms of this regulation— |
(a) | must be in writing; |
(b) | does not prevent the head of Office from exercising that function or performing that power; and |
(c) | may any time be withdrawn in writing by the head of Office. |