R 385
Public Administration Management Act (Act No. 11 of 2014)RegulationsOffice of Standards and Compliance Regulations, 20224. Compliance |
(1) | After having monitored compliance or conducted a capacity or functional audit in an institution, the Office must report to the Minister and the head of institution, which may include directions on the steps to be taken by the head of institution to comply or to build capacity. |
(2) | The directions may include— |
(a) | time periods within which the corrective steps must be taken; |
(b) | time periods within which the head of institution must report on the steps taken and, if not, the reasons for not doing so; |
(3) | If the directions are not implemented, the Office must investigate the reasons for the failure to implement its direction and submit a report to the executive authority and the head of institution, which report may include an enforcement response plan. |
(4) | If the institution does not comply with an enforcement response plan referred to in sub-regulation (3), the Office may issue a compliance order. |
(5) | If the institution fails to comply with the compliance order, the Office may submit a report to— |
(a) | the Minister; |
(b) | the relevant executive authority; |
(c) | the Minister responsible for local government and the relevant Member of Executive Council responsible for local government; or |
(d) | the Public Service Commission in respect of the public service. |