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Public Service Act, 1994 (Act No. 103 of 1994)


Public Service Regulations, 2016

Chapter 3 : Planning, Organisational Arrangements and Service Delivery

Part 1 : Planning and reporting

25. Strategic plan


(1) An executive authority shall prepare a strategic plan for his or her department that —
(a) states the department's core objectives based on constitutional and other legislative or functional mandates;
(b) describes the core and support activities necessary to achieve the core objectives, avoiding duplication of functions;
(c) describes the targets to be attained in the medium term;
(d) sets out a programme for attaining those targets;
(e) specifies information systems that—
(i) enable the executive authority to monitor the progress made towards achieving those targets and core objectives;
(ii) support compliance with the reporting requirements in regulation 31 and the information requirements, referred to in regulation 70; and
(iii) enable service delivery through the use of information and communication technology; and
(f) complies with the requirements in regulations 5.1 and 5.2 of the Treasury Regulations.


(2) Based on the strategic plan of the department, an executive authority shall—
(a) determine the department's organisational structure in terms of its core mandated and support functions—
(i) in the case of a national department or national government component, after consultation with the Minister and National Treasury; and
(ii) in the case of a provincial department or provincial government component, after consultation with the relevant Premier, the Minister and the relevant provincial treasury;
(b) define and create the posts necessary to perform the relevant functions of the department while remaining within—
(i) the current budget;
(ii) the  Medium-Term  Expenditure Framework of the department; and
(iii) the norms and standards determined by the Minister for post provisioning for occupations or categories of employees,

and the posts so defined and created shall constitute the department's approved establishment , which shall be made publicly available on the department's website;

[Regulation 25(2)(b) substituted by section 12(a) of the Public Service Amendment Regulations, 2023, Notice No. R. 3971, GG49517, dated 20 October 2023 - effective 1 November 2023]

(c) grade proposed new jobs according to the job evaluation and job grading systems referred to in regulation 41(1), except where the grade of a job has been determined in terms of an OSD or directed by the Minister in terms of regulation 41(2)(d); and
(d) engage in human resource planning in accordance with regulation 26 to meet the resulting human resource needs.


(2A) If the executive authority approves an organisational structure which is not in accordance with the recommendations emanating from consultations contemplated in subregulation (2)(a)(i) or (ii), the reasons therefor shall be recorded.

[Regulation 25(2A) inserted by section 12(b) of the Public Service Amendment Regulations, 2023, Notice No. R. 3971, GG49517, dated 20 October 2023 - effective 1 November 2023]


(3) In implementing the strategic plan, a head of department shall—
(a) promote the efficient, economic and effective use of resources so as to improve the functioning of the department; and
(b) to that end, apply working methods such as the re-allocation, simplification and co-ordination of work, and eliminate unnecessary functions and systems.