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Public Service Act, 1994 (Act No. 103 of 1994)RegulationsPublic Service Regulations, 2016Chapter 4 : Employment MattersPart 1 : Creation of posts, job descriptions, job evaluation and job grading46. Overgraded posts |
(1) | If the job weight demonstrates that a filled post is overgraded an executive authority shall— |
(a) | redesign the job to equate with the grade of the post before it was regraded; or |
(b) | reduce the grade of the post in line with the job weight and transfer the incumbent to another suitable post of an equivalent grade to the post that he or she occupied before it was regraded. |
(2) | Any transfer of an employee in terms of subregulation (1)(b) shall— |
(a) | not alter the place of work of the employee without his or her consent; and |
(b) | take place by the first day of the month following the month of approval by the executive authority of the grading of the post. |