R 385
Public Service Commission Act, 1997 (Act No. 46 of 1997)RulesPublic Service Commission Rules on Conducting InvestigationsChapter 2 : Lodging of complaints with the Commission5. Procedure to be followed before lodging of complaints with the Commission |
(1) | Before lodging a complaint with the Commission a complainant may first endeavour to resolve the complaint with the relevant department. |
(2) | If the complainant is still not satisfied, or if the complainant is of the view that the complaint should be referred directly to the Commission for investigation, she or he may then lodge that complaint with the Commission via the national office or the relevant provincial office, in which case reasons must be provided to the Commission in both instances. |
(3) | When a complainant's lodging of a complaint directly with the Commission is not accepted by the Commission, the complainant must be informed accordingly within 21 days from the date on which the commission took its decision. |