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Table of Contents
Public Service Commission Act, 1997 (Act No. 46 of 1997)
Notice No. 1303 of 1997
Part I : Application of Act
1. Definitions
2. Application of Act
Part II : The Public Service Commission
3. Constitution of Commission
4. Appointment of commissioners
5. Chairperson and deputy chairperson of Commission
6. Conditions of appointment of commissioners
7. Removal from office
Part III : Functions of the Commission
8. Functions of Commission
9. Inspections
10. Inquiries
11. Rules
12. Obstruction of Commission
13. Assignment of functions
Part IV : General
14. Office of Commission
15. Repeal of laws and transitional provisions in respect of certain offices and personnel
16. Transitional arrangements in respect of former members of Public Service Commission or provincial service commissions
17. Short title and commencement
Laws Repealed
Notice on the Implementation of the Public Service Commission Rules on Referral and Investigation of Grievances of Employers in the Public Service Amendment of 2023
Notice No. 2437 of 2024
Dealing with Complaints and Grievances of Officials in the Public Service
Notice No. R. 800 of 1999
A. General
B. Rules
C. Savings
Summonsing of Witnesses in connection with Inquiries of the Public Service Commission
Notice No. R. 373 of 2002
1. Definitions
2. Form and contents of summons
3. Commission's summons has force throughout Republic
4. Summons to be served by designated official of the Office
5. Manner in which summons to be served
[Withdrawn] Lodging of Complaints regarding Public Service
Notice No. 977 of 2002
1. Definitions
2. Purpose and application
3. Complaints which may be considered by Commission
4. Institutions which may be investigated by the Commission
5. Procedure to follow when lodging a complaint
6. Procedure to be followed by Commission in dealing with complaint
Annexure A : Form for Lodging Complaint with Public Service Commission
Dealing with the Grievances of Employees in the Public Service
Notice No. R. 1012 of 2003
Schedule 1
A. Definitions
B. Purpose and application
C. Managing a grievance
D. Adherence to time limits
E. Provision of information
F. Departmental stages to address a grievance
G. Referral to the Commission
H. Grievances of Head of Department
I. Evaluation
J. Other procedures
K. Transitional measures
L. Date of commencement
Schedule 2
Government Notice Repealed
Annexure A : Grievance Form
Managing Conflicts of Interest Identified through the Financial Disclosure Framework for Senior Managers
Notice 865 of 2009
A. Definitions
B. Purpose and application
C. Managing conflicts of interest within a department
D. Documentation to accompany the financial disclosure form
E. Verification of information regarding a registrable interest and identification of conflicts of interest by the Commission
Annexure A : Job Description
Rules on Referral and Investigation of Grievances of Employees in the Public Service
Notice No. 682 of 2016
1. Definitions
Chapter 1: Purpose of Rules
2. Purpose of rules
Chapter 2: Referral of Grievances to Commission
3. Referral of grievances to Commission
4. Manner of referral of grievance
5. Requirements for referral of grievances
6. Office hours
Chapter 3: Referral and Lodging of Grievances by Heads of Departments
7. Referral and lodging of grievances by heads of departments
Chapter 4: Timeframes applicable to Referral or Lodging of Grievances with Commission
8. Timeframes to be complied with
9. Consideration of grievances referred outside the Commissionk timeframes for referral
Chapter 5: Processing and Consideration of Grievances received by the PSC
10. Registration and allocation of grievances received
11. Request for additional information
12. Consideration of grievances by Commission
13. Grievances closed without further investigation
14. Panels of Commissioners to consider and make findings on certain grievances
15. Communication by Commission of outcome of grievance investigation
16. Mediation of grievances referred or lodged directly with the Commission
17. Conducting of inquiry to investigate grievance
18. Guiding principles and standards in investigations and consideration of grievances
Chapter 6: Commission to Monitor Recommendations
19. Commission to monitor recommendations
Chapter 7: General
20. Customer service
21. Transitional measures
22. Short title and commencement
Annexure A: Grievance Referral Form
Annexure B: Application for Late Referral Form
[Deleted] Annexure C: Grievance Service Complaint Form
[Deleted] Annexure D: Physical and postal addresses of Commission
Conducting Investigations
Notice No. 22 of 2017
1. Definitions
Chapter 1 : Purpose and application of rules
2. Purpose and application of the rules
Chapter 2 : Lodging of complaints with the Commission
3. Matters that may be investigated and evaluated by the Commission
4. Matters that will not be investigated by the Commission
5. Procedure to be followed before lodging of complaints with the Commission
6. Timeframes for lodging of complaints with the Commission
7. Methods that may be used when lodging complaints with the Commission
8. Information required when lodging complaints with the Commission
9. Complaints lodged with the Commission anonymously
Chapter 3 : Investigation of complaints by the Commission
10. Registration and allocation of complaints received
11. Determine the scope of the investigation and additional information required
12. Conducting an investigation and compiling a report
13. Withdrawal of rules and transitional measures
14. Short title and commencement
Form for lodging a complaint with the Public Service Commission
Chapter 1 : Purpose and application of rules
2. Purpose and application of the rules
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