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Public Service Commission Act, 1997 (Act No. 46 of 1997)RulesRules on Referral and Investigation of Grievances of Employees in the Public ServiceChapter 5: Processing and Consideration of Grievances received by the PSC15. Communication by Commission of outcome of grievance investigation |
(1) | The Commission must, after investigating a grievance, communicate the outcome thereof in writing to the executive authority. |
(2) | Communication of the outcome must be through a letter containing the following: |
(a) | The name and PERSAL number of the aggrieved employee whose grievance was referred the to the Commission; |
(b) | A brief summary of the facts; |
(c) | The findings of the Commission and reasons therefor, which must include the applicable law and prescripts; and |
(d) | Recommendations, where this is applicable. |
(3) | The executive authority to whom a recommendation has been made must, within O days of receipt of Commission's letter, provide the Commission with comment indicating whether or not the executive authority is going to implement recommendations made by the Commission. |
(4) | The executive authority must if he or she is not going to implement the recommendations of the Commission, provide the Commission with reasons for not implementing. |