R 385
Public Service Commission Act, 1997 (Act No. 46 of 1997)RulesRules for the Summonsing of Witnesses in Connection with Inquiries of the Public Service Commission4. Summons to be served by designated official of the Office |
(1) | A summons must be served, in the manner provided for in rule 5, by an official of the Office designated in writing for that purpose by the Chairperson of the Commission. |
(2) | The Commission's Chairperson or any official of the Office acting under the authority of that Chairperson, must issue to each official designated under subrule (1), a certificate signed by the Chairperson or the official of the Offices so acting, in which is stated that the person on whose name the certificate has been issued, is authorised to serve any summons of the Commission, and the certificate so issued, is sufficient proof that the person on whose name it has been issued, is so authorised. |