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Refugees Act, 1998 (Act No. 130 of 1998)
Notice No. 1558 of 1998
Chapter 1 : Interpretation, Application and Administration of Act
1. Definitions
1A. Interpretation and application of act
2. General prohibition of refusal of entry, expulsion, extradition or return to other country in certain circumstances
3. Refugee status
4. Exclusion from refugee status
5. Cessation of refugee status
6. [Repealed] Interpretation, application and administration of Act
7. Delegation of powers and duties
Chapter 2 : Refugee Reception Offices and Refugee Appeals Authority
8. Refugee Reception Office
8A. Refugee Appeals Authority
8B. Composition of Refugee Appeals Authority
8C. Functions of Refugee Appeals Authority
8D. Term of office of members of Refugee Appeals Authority
8E. Disqualification from membership
8F. Removal from office of member of Refugee Appeals Authority
8G. [Repealed] Filling of vacancies in Refugee Appeals Authority
8H. Remuneration of members of Refugee Appeals Authority
8I. Administrative staff of Refugee Appeals Authority
8J. Annual Reports of Refugee Appeals Authority
9. [Repealed] Standing Committee for Refugee Affairs
9A. Standing Committee for Refugee Affairs
9B. Composition of Standing Committee
9C. Functions of Standing Committee
9D. Term of office of members of Standing Committee
9E. Disqualification from membership
9F. Removal from office of member of Standing Committee
9G. Remuneration of members of Standing Committee
9H. Administrative staff of Standing Committee
10. [Repealed] Composition of Standing Committee
11. [Repealed] Powers and duties of Standing Committee
12. [Repealed] Establishment of Refugee Appeal Board
13. [Repealed] Composition of Appeal Board
14. [Repealed] Powers and duties of Appeal Board
15. [Repealed] Meetings of Standing Committee and Appeal Board
16. [Repealed] Periods of office of members of Standing Committee and Appeal Board
17. [Repealed] Removal from office of member of Standing Committee or Appeal Board
18. [Repealed] Filling of vacancies in Standing Committee or Appeal Board
19. [Repealed] Remuneration of members of Standing Committee and Appeal Board
20. [Repealed] Administrative staff of Standing Committee and Appeal Board
20A. Crime prevention and integrity measures
Chapter 3 : Application for Asylum
21. Application for asylum
21A. Unaccompanied child and person with mental disability
21B. Spouse and dependants of asylum seekers and refugees
22. Asylum seeker visa
23. Detention of asylum seeker
24. Decision regarding application for asylum
24A. Review by Standing Committee
24B. Appeals to Refugee Appeals Authority
Chapter 4 : Reviews and Appeals
25. [Repealed] Review by Standing Committee
26. [Repealed] Appeals to Appeal Board
Chapter 5 : Rights and Obligations of Refugees and Asylum Seekers
27. Protection and general rights of refugees
27A. Protection and general rights of asylum seekers
28. Removal and detention of refugees and asylum seekers
29. Restriction of detention
30. Identity document to refugee
31. [Repealed] Travel document to refugee
32. [Repealed] Unaccompanied child and mentally disabled person
33. [Repealed] Dependants of refugee
34. Obligations of refugees
34A. Obligations of asylum seekers
Chapter 6 : Supplementary and General Provisions
35. Reception and accommodation of asylum seekers in event of mass influx
36. Withdrawal of refugee status
37. Offences and penalties
38. Regulations
39. [Repealed] Training of staff
40. [Repealed] Transitional arrangements
41. Short title and commencement
Refugees Regulations, 2018
Notice No. R.1707 of 2019
1. Definitions
2. Authenticity and termination of marriage
3. Authenticity and notification of termination of permanent homosexual or heterosexual relationship
4. Cessation of refugee status
5. Standing Committee for Refugee Affairs
6. Integrity measures
7. Asylum transit visa
8. Application for asylum
9. Abandoned application
10. Unaccompanied child and person with mental disability
11. Termination of dependency of children of asylum seekers and refugees
12. Asylum seeker visa
13. Withdrawal of asylum seeker visa
14. Hearing before Refugee Status Determination Officer
15. Review of applications
16. Appeals to Refugee Appeals Authority
17. Formal recognition of refugee status
18. Identity document
19. Travel documents for refugees
20. Surrender of documents
21. Detention and removal of refugees and asylum seekers relating to national security threat
22. Change of address and contact details
23. Withdrawal of refugee status
24. Repeal of laws
25. Short title and commencement
Form 1 (a) : Affidavit in respect of parties to marriage concluded outside the Republic
Form 1 (b) : Affidavit in respect of parties to permanent heterosexual / homosexual spousal relationship
Form 2 : Application for Asylum (DHA 1590)
Form 3 : Department of Home Affairs Notification of Abandoned Application
Form 4 : Application for Asylum : Previously Dependant Person
Form 5 (DHA 1692) : Asylum Seeker Visa
Form 6 : Letter of Employment
Form 7 : Letter of Enrolment at School
Form 8 : Decision of the Standing Committee for Refugee Affairs
Form 9 : RAA 01 Refugee Appeals Authority
Form 10 : Certificate of Recognition of Refugee status in RSA
Form 11 : Application for a Refugee Identity Document (DHA 1687)
Form 12 : Application for document for travel purpose for refugee (DHA 1705)
Form 13 : Notice of Change of Address
Form 14 : Application to be allowed to remain in the Republic after termination of dependancy
The Refugee Appeal Board Rules, 2003
Notice No. 1330 of 2003
1. Definitions
2. Timeframes
3. Authority of the Appeal Board and General Powers
4. Lodging an Appeal
5. Service of Documents
6. Late Notice of Appeal - Condonation
7. Parties to the Appeal
8. Change in Address
9. Right to Representation
10. Notification of Appeal hearing
11. Postponement of a Hearing
12. Non-appearance of Appellant
13. Conduct of Proceedings at Hearings
14. Closed Proceedings
15. Subpoena of Witnesses
16. Consolidated Hearings
17. Record of Decision and Reasons
18. Cancellation of Appeal
19. [Repealed] Abandonment of Appeal
20. Review of Decisions
21. Correction of errors
22. General
23. Forms
24. Citation and commencement.
The Refugee Appeals Authority of South Africa Rules, 2013 as amended
Notice No. 955 of 2013
1. Definitions
2. Timeframes
3. Authority of the Refugee Appeal Authority of South Africa and General Powers
4. Lodging an Appeal
5. Service of Documents
6. [Repealed] Late Notice of Appeal - Condonation
7. Parties to the Appeal
8. Change in Address
9. Right to Legal Representation
10. Notification of Appeal Determination
11. Postponement of Hearing
12. Non-appearance of Appellant
13. Conduct of Proceedings at Hearings
13A. Determination on paper
14. Confidential Proceedings
15. Subpoena of Witnesses
16. Consolidated Proceedings
17. Record of Decisions and Reasons
18. Cancellation of Appeal
19. Review of Decisions
20. Correction of Errors
21. General
22. Forms
23. Citation and commencement
Form RAA (01)
Form RAA (02)
Form RAA (03)
Form RAA (04)
Form RAA (05)
Public Announcement to Asylum Seekers in the Refugee Backlog Project
Notice No. 1008 of 2007
The Amended Refugee Appeal Board Rules, 2003
Notice No. 610 of 2011
Form RAB (01) : In the Refugee Appeal board
Refugees Act, 1998 (Act No. 130 of 1998)
Refugees Regulations, 2018
Form 13 : Notice of Change of Address
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