R 385
Registration of Copyright in Cinematograph Films Act, 1977 (Act No. 62 of 1977)Application for Registration7. Advertisement of accepted application |
(1) | When an application for registration of a copyright in a cinematograph film has been accepted, whether absolutely or subject to the conditions or limitations, the applicant shall, as soon as may be after acceptance, cause the application as accepted to be advertised in the prescribed manner, and the advertisement shall set forth all conditions and limitations subject to which the application has been accepted: Provided that the Registrar may require an application to be advertised in the prescribed manner before acceptance in any case where it appears to him that it is expedient by reason of any exceptional circumstances so to do, and where an application has been so advertised, the Registrar may, if he thinks fit, require it to be advertised again when it has been accepted. |
(2) | After advertisement the application and such documents as were lodged in support of the application may in the prescribed manner and on payment of the prescribed fee be inspected at all convenient times during office hours by the public. |