R 385
Restitution of Land Rights Act, 1994 (Act No. 22 of 1994)RulesLand Claims Court RulesSchedulesSchedule 1 |
Form 1 |
Notice of motion for applications |
Form 2 |
Notice of motion for review proceedings |
Form 3 |
Notice of referral by the Chief Land Claims Commissioner where agreement on the finalisation of the claim has been reached |
Form 4 |
Notice of referral by the Chief Land Claims Commissioner where no agreement on the finalisation of the claim has been reached |
Form 5 |
Notice of referral by the Director-General of Land Affairs where agreement on the finalisation of the claim has been reached and the agreement has been certified by the Director-General |
Form 6 |
Notice of referral by the Director-General of Land Affairs where no agreement on the finalisation of the claim has been reached or an agreement has not been certified by the Director-General |
Form 7 |
Notice of referral of case to arbitration |
Form 8 |
Notice of action |
Form 9 |
Document warning of importance of case and attached to notices by which cases are initiated |
Form 10 |
Notice of appearance |
Form 11 |
Notice to deliver answering affidavit/plea/response |
Form 12 |
Notice to member/office bearer |
Form 13 |
Discovery affidavit |
Form 14 |
Subpoena |