R 385
Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act, 2011 (Act No. 8 of 2011)RegulationsSectional Titles Schemes Management Regulations, 2016AnnexuresAnnexure 2 : Conduct rules (Prescribed in terms of section 10(2)(b))2. Refuse and waste disposal |
(1) | The owner or occupier of a section must not leave refuse or other materials on the common property in a way or place likely to interfere with the enjoyment of the common property by another owner or occupier. |
(2) | Unless the body corporate provides some other way to dispose of refuse, the owner or occupier of a section must keep a receptacle for refuse of a type specified by the trustees in a clean and dry condition and adequately covered in the section, or on a part of the common property designated by the trustees for the purpose. |
(3) | The owner or occupier of a section must— |
(a) | move the refuse receptacle referred to in sub-rule (2) to places designated by the trustees for collection purposes at the times designated by the trustees and promptly retrieve it from these places; and |
(b) | ensure that the owner or occupier does not, in disposing of refuse, adversely affect the health, hygiene or comfort of the owners or occupiers of other sections. |