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Securities Services Act, 2004 (Act No. 36 of 2004)

Chapter V : General Provisions Applicable to Self-Regulatory Organisations

58. Delegation of functions


(1) A self-regulatory organisation may delegate or assign any function entrusted to it by this Act or its rules to a person or group of persons, or a committee approved by the controlling body of the self-regulatory organisation, or a division or department of the self-regulatory organisation, subject to the conditions that the self-regulatory organisation may determine.


(2) The registrar may delegate or assign any function entrusted to the registrar by or under this Act subject to the conditions that the registrar may determine.


(3) A self-regulatory organisation or the registrar, as the case may be, is not divested or relieved of a function delegated or assigned under subsection (1) or (2) and may, if necessary, withdraw the delegation or assignment at any time on reasonable notice.