In addition to the other functions assigned to the Board by this Act, the Board may—
(a) |
establish committees to advise it on any matter in respect of which a function is assigned to it; |
(b) |
appoint with the approval of the Minister any person other than a member of the Board as a member of any committee referred to in paragraph (a) , and determine the allowances payable to that person; |
(c) |
subject to the provisions of this Act, determine the manner in which meetings of any committee of the Board shall be convened, the procedure and quorum at those meetings and the manner in which minutes of those meetings shall be kept; |
(d) |
hire, buy or otherwise acquire such movable or immovable property as it may consider necessary for the performance of its functions and let, sell or otherwise dispose of property so acquired; |
(e) |
from time to time raise money by way of loan for the purpose of performing its functions; |
(f) |
hypothecate its immovable property as security for a loan referred to in paragraph (e) ; |
(g) |
with a view to promoting its objects, lend money against such security as it may consider adequate; |
(h) |
with the approval of the Minister, donate money or other property; |
(i) |
by means of insurance provide for cover for the Board against any loss, damage, risk or liability which it may suffer or incur; |
(i) |
cover, by means of insurance, for sheriffs against any loss, damage, risk or liability which they may suffer or incur; |
(ii) |
the establishment of a medical aid or pension scheme for sheriffs; |
(k) |
with the approval of the Minister, frame a code of conduct which shall be complied with by sheriffs; |
(kA) |
make rules regulating the conduct of its proceedings; |
[Section 16(kA) inserted by section 12 of Act No. 14 of 2012]
in general perform such acts as may be necessary or expedient for the achievement of its objects. |