Acts Online
GT Shield

Sheriffs Act, 1986 (Act No. 90 of 1986)


Regulations relating to Sheriffs, 1990

2A. Advertisement of vacancy


(1) The Director-General shall advertise any vacancy in the office of sheriff as soon as is practicably possible—
(a) in a newspaper that circulates countrywide; and
(b) by posting advertisements on the notice boards at all the relevant court buildings.


(2) The advertisement contemplated in subregulation (1) shall state the following:
(a) The area or areas of jurisdiction of the lower or superior court in respect of which the vacancy occurs or will occur;
(b) the—
(i) minimum requirements for appointment as sheriff, as contemplated in regulation 2bis; and
(ii) application requirements prescribed by regulation 2B(2);
(c) that preference will be given to fit and proper applicants whose appointments will promote—
(i) equitable demographic representation and inclusiveness in respect of race, gender, disability or any other constitutionally recognised ground; and
(ii) the values enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996;
(d) that a person appointed as sheriff may not perform the functions assigned to a sheriff, unless he or she complies with the provisions of section 30 of the Act;
(e) that a person appointed as sheriff may not, without the approval of the Minister in terms of section 53 of the Act, perform or engage himself or herself to perform remunerative work outside the office as sheriff;
(f) that applications shall be lodged with the Director-General;
(g) the name, address and contact number of the person for enquiries regarding the vacancy; and
(h) the closing date for applications, which date shall be at least 21 working days after the advertisement was posted in terms of subregulation (1).

[Regulation 2A(2) substituted by regulation 5 of Notice No. R. 568 dated 18 July 2014]


[Regulation 2A substituted by regulation 5 of Notice No. R. 742 dated 14 September 2011]