Sheriffs Act, 1986 (Act No. 90 of 1986)RegulationsRegulations relating to Sheriffs, 1990AnnexuresForm 1 : Application for Appointment as Sheriff [Regulation 2B(1)] |
Please note:
1. | This form must be completed in block letters. |
2. | The information required in respect of race and gender is for giving effect to legislation and policies relating to equity. |
3. | lf there is a conflict of interest regarding any current post held by you, you may be asked to relinquish such post. |
4. | If you are successful in your application, you will have to be in possession of a fidelity fund certificate issued by the South African Board for Sheriffs, before you may perform any function of a sheriff. |
5. | The following documents must accompany the application form: |
(a) | A curriculum vitae; |
(b) | a certified copy of your identity document; |
(c) | certified copies of all educational qualifications; |
(d) | certified copies of certificates of service or, if not available, an affidavit by you in respect of previous periods of service; |
(e) | testimonials from previous employers, if available; |
(f) | the nature and history of any past or present business undertaking, occupation or trade; |
(g) | the names, addresses and telephone numbers of two references; |
(h) | an affidavit regarding previous convictions and sequestrations (if any); |
(i) | an affidavit that you have the financial ability to establish and operate an office of sheriff, Including a list of all your assets and liabilities; and |
(j) | a certified copy of your driver's licence, if you have a valid driver's licence. |
6. | If you wish to apply for more than one post (if more than one post was advertised) a separate application form is to be completed for each post you wish to apply for. |
[If the space provided is inadequate, submit information as an Annexure to this form and sign each page.]
Area of jurisdiction (as advertised): |
Reference number (as stated in the advertisement): |
If you are offered the position, when can you start/how much notice must you serve with your current employer? |
PART A: APPLICATION [To be completed by applicant] |
Surname: |
Full names: |
ID. No./Date of birth: |
/ / |
Race: |
Gender: |
Female |
Male |
Are you a South African citizen/ If no, please state nationality: |
Yes |
No |
Nationality: |
Have you been convicted of a criminal offence? If yes, please give details of offence and sentence |
Yes |
No |
Details: |
Have you ever been dismissed from employment? If yes, please give full details: |
Yes |
No |
Details: |
Has any civil judgment been given against you? If yes, please give full details: |
Yes |
No |
Details: |
Has any sequestration order been given against you? If yes, please give full details: |
Yes |
No |
Details: |
Residential Address: |
Code ( ) |
Residential telephone number: |
Cellular phone number: |
Occupation: |
Work address: |
Code ( ) |
Work telephone number: |
Preferred method for correspondence: |
Post |
Fax |
Correspondence contact details (In terms of above): |
Postal address: |
Code ( ) |
Preferred official language for correspondence? |
Do you have a valid driver's licence? |
Yes |
No |
Code: |
PART B: CHOICE OF AREA OF JURISDICTION OF APPOINTMENT (in the event of more than one vacancy in one area of jurisdiction being advertised) |
Area of jurisdiction where appointment is preferred, in order of preference: |
1. |
2. |
3. |
PART C: LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY - state 'good', 'fair' or 'poor' |
Languages (specify)
Speak |
Read |
Write |
Name of School/Technical College
Highest qualification obtained |
Year obtained |
Tertiary education (complete for each qualification you obtained after your grade 12 qualification, as well as seminars/courses attended relating to functions of sheriff) |
Name of institution |
Name of qualification |
Year obtained |
Current study (institution and qualification) |
Employer (including current employer) |
Position held |
From |
To |
Reason for leaving (including retirement, misconduct or ill-health) |
MM |
YY |
MM |
YY |
Name |
Relationship to you |
Tel. No. (office hours) |
I declare that all the information provided (including any attachments) is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false information supplied could lead to my application being disqualified or my discharge if I am appointed. |
Signed at ................................................................. this ............ day of .................... 20 ...... .
Signature of applicant
[Form 1 substituted by regulation 18 of Notice No. R. 742 dated 14 September 2011]