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Short-Term Insurance Act, 1998 (Act No. 53 of 1998)Part I : Administration of Act3. General provisions concerning Authority |
(1) | An approval of, or a determination or decision by, or a notice to be given by or to, the Authority, shall, without derogating from legal rules on the making known or publication thereof, be valid only if it is in writing. |
(2) | Whenever the approval of, or a determination or decision by, or the performance of any other act by the Authority, is sought by a person under this Act or any other law, application therefor shall be made in writing to the Authority and the application shall— |
(a) | be made in the form the Authority requires; and |
(b) | be accompanied by— |
(i) | the fees determined under the Financial Sector Regulation Act; and |
[Section 3(2)(b)(i) substituted by item 6(a) of schedule 1 of Act No. 18 of 2017, GG 41388, dated 18 January 2018]
(ii) | the information or documents which the Authority requires. |
(3) | If a person with an interest in the matter is aggrieved by a determination made, decision taken or act performed in the exercise or carrying out of the powers or duties of the Authority, that person may appeal to the board of appeal established by section 26 of the Financial Services Board Act, with the necessary changes, in accordance with that section. |
(4) | A person may, upon payment of the fees determined under the Financial Sector Regulation Act, inspect only those documents determined by the Authority by notice on the official websitem, which are held by the Authority under this Act in relation to a short-term insurer, or an intermediary or, obtain a copy of or extract from any such document. |
[Section 3(4) substituted by item 6(b) of schedule 1 of Act No. 18 of 2017, GG 41388, dated 18 January 2018]
(5) | A document which purports to be certified by the Authority as a document held in the Authority’s office or to be a copy of such a document, shall be prima facie proof of the content of such a document or copy, and shall be admissible in evidence in any proceedings. |