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Short-Term Insurance Act, 1998 (Act No 53 Of 1998)Board Noticesof Members of the Short-Term Insurance Advisory CommitteeBoard Notice 76 of 20056 |
Board Notice 76 of 2006
Financial Services Board
The Minister of Finance has, in terms of Section 6 of the Insurance Act 1998, appointed the following persons to be members of the Advisory Committee on the Short-term Insurance from 01 August 2005 until 31 July 2008. This excludes the Chairperson whose term of appointment is 01 August 2005 until 30 June 2007.
Mr Robert Barrow (Chairperson)
Mr Mashudu Munyai
Mr Mohamed Akoob
Mr Adam Samie
Ms Isabel Jones
Ms Venete Klein
Ms Tantaswa Kentane
Ms Mamadiga Molala
Mr Jackson Raseroka
Mr Clifford Brooke
Mr Barry Scott
Mr Sipho Sono
Prof Robert Vivian
Ms Hermina Monama of the Financial Services Board will act as a Secretary to the Committee.