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Skills Development Act, 1998 (Act No. 97 of 1998)
Notice No. 1400 of 1998
Chapter 1 : Definitions, Purpose and Application of Act
1. Definitions
2. Purposes of Act
3. Interpretation
Chapter 2 : National Skills Authority
4. Establishment of National Skills Authority
5. Functions of National Skills Authority
6. Composition of National Skills Authority and term and vacation of office
7. Constitution of National Skills Authority
8. Remuneration and administration of National Skills Authority
Chapter 3 : Sector Education and Training Authorities
9. Establishment of SETA
9A. Amalgamation and dissolution of SETAs
9B. Incorporation of subsector into SETA
10. Functions of SETA
10A. SETAs to conclude service level agreements
11. Composition of SETA
11A. Eligibility to become member of Accounting Authority
11B. Vacation of office by members of Accounting Authority
11C. Disclosure of conflict of interests
12. Chambers of SETA
13. Constitution of SETA
13A. Conduct of Accounting Authority member or staff member
13B. Appointment of Chief Executive Officer
14. Finances of SETA
14A. Minister may issue written instructions to SETAs
15. Taking over administration of SETA
Chapter 4 : Learnerships
16. Learnerships
17. Learnership agreements
18. Contract of employment with learner
19. Disputes about learnerships
Chapter 5 : Skills Programmes
20. Skills programmes
21. Disputes
Chapter 6 : Administration Act
22. Administration of Act by Department
23. Employment services
24. [Repealed] Registration of persons that provide employment services
25. [Repealed] Cancellation of registration of private employment services
26. [Repealed] Appeal against Director-General's decision
Chapter 6A : Artisan Development
26A. National artisan moderation body
26B. Listing of trades
26C. National register of artisans
26D. Trade tests
Chapter 6B : Skills Development Institutes
26E. Skills development institutes
Chapter 6C : Quality Council for Trades and Occupations
26F. Policy on occupational standards and qualifications
26G. Establishment of QCTO
26H. Functions of QCTO
26I. Delegation of functions
26J. Regulations regarding occupational standards and qualifications
Chapter 6D : Workplace Productivity and Competitiveness
26K. [Repealed] Establishment of Productivity South Africa
26L. [Repealed] Functions of Productivity South Africa
26M. [Repealed] Finances of Productivity South Africa
26N. [Repealed] Regulations regarding workplace productivity and competitiveness
Chapter 7 : Financing Skills Development
27. National Skills Fund
28. Use of money in Fund
29. Control and administration of Fund
30. Budget for training by public service employers
30A. Budget for training by national and provincial entities
30B. National standard of good practice in skills development
Chapter 8 : General
31. Jurisdiction of Labour Court
32. Monitoring, enforcement and legal proceedings
33. [Repealed] Offences
34. Penalties
35. Delegation
36. Regulations
37. Repeal of laws and transitional provisions
38. Act binds State
39. Short title and commencement
Schedule 1 : Repeal of laws
Schedule 2 : Transitional Provisions
1. Definitions
2. National Training Board
3. Manpower Development Fund
4. Training boards and apprenticeships
4A. Mining Qualifications Authority
5. Training centres
6. Arrangements for training of trainees
7. Grants-in-aid
8. Fund for Training of Unemployed Persons
9. Training schemes
10. Training levies
11. Training advisers
12. Registered work-seekers
13. Private employment offices
14. Local government sector
15. Telecommunications sector
16. Exemptions from transfer duty, donations tax or any other tax
Schedule 2A : Transitional Provisions: Skills Development Amendment Act, 2008
1. Definitions
2. Contracts of apprenticeship in force immediately prior to commencement of Amendment Act
3. Conversion of contracts of apprenticeship in force at commencement of Act
4. Trades deemed to be listed
5. Coming into operation of QCTO
6. SAQA accreditation of SETA ETQAs
7. [Repealed] National Productivity Institute
Schedule 3 : Composition and Constitution of QCTO
1. Composition of QCTO
2. Constitution of QCTO
Schedule 4 [Repealed] : Composition and Constitution of Productivity South Africa
1. [Repealed] Composition of Productivity South Africa
2. [Repealed] Constitution of Productivity South Africa
Agriculture Sector Education and Training Authority (AgriSETA)
Notice No. R. 886 of 2005
Chapter One : Definitions, Purpose and Identity
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of constitution
3. Name
4. Establishment
5. Place of business
6. Scope of coverage
7. Organisations in sector
8. Legalstatus
9. Limitation of liability
Chapter Two : Objectives and Functions
10. Objectives of AgriSETA
11. Functions of AgriSETA
Chapter Three : Membership of Governing Board
12. Composition
13. Functions
14. Financial and general responsibilities of Governing Board
15. Procedure at meetings
16. Voting
17. Term of office and vacancies
18. Removal from office
19. Filling of vacancies
20. Powers
21. Delegation of powers and duties
22. Annual General Meeting
Chapter Four : Office Bearers
23. Appointment
24. Functions
25. Absence or vacancies
26. Removal of office bearers
Chapter Five : Executive Committee
27. Composition
28. Terms of office
29. Duties and functions
30. Powers
Chapter Six : Standing Committees
31. General
32. Meetings and procedure
33. Sub-Sectoral Committees (SSCs)
34. Learnership Committee
35. Education and Training Quality Assurance ("ETQA") Committee
36. Skills Planning Committee
37. Audit Committee
Chapter Seven : Finances and Fiduciary Responsibilties
38. Finances
39. Fiduciary duties of Governing Board
Chapter Eight : Executive Officer
40. Appointment
41. Functions
Chapter Nine : General
42. Amendments to constitution
43. Taking over administration of AgriSETA
44. Code of conduct
45. Dispute resolution
Schedule 1 : Scope
Schedule 2 : Organisations in sector
Schedule 3 : Nomination and appointment of members
Public Service Sector Education and Training Authority (PSETA)
Notice No. R. 887 of 2005
1. Introduction
2. Definitions
3. Character
4. Objectives of Authority
5. Powers and Functions of Authority
6. Service Level Agreement
7. Learnerships
8. Skills Programmes
9. Members of Board
10. Executive Committee
11. Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson
12. Establishment of Committees and Structures
13. Meeting Procedures
14. Appointment of Chief Executive Officer and Other Staff of Authority
15. Finances
16. Code of Conduct
17. Dispute Resolution
18. Amendments to Constitution
19. Indemnification
20. Dissolution/Winding Up
21. Transitional Arrangement
22. Taking over Administration of Authority
Annexure A: Scope of the Authority
Annexure B: Organisations in the Sector
Annexure C:
Annexure D: Code of Conduct
Safety and Security Sector Education and Training Authority (SASSETA)
Notice No. R. 888 of 2005
Chapter One : Definitions, Purpose and Identity
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of constitution
3. Name
4. Scope
5. Organisations in sector
6. Legalstatus
7. Limitation of liability
Chapter Two : Objectives and Functions
8. Objectives of SASSETA
9. Functions of SASSETA
Chapter Three : Board
10. Composition
11. Procedure at meetings
12. Voting
13. Term of office and vacancies
14. Removal from office
15. Filling of vacancies
16. Powers of Board
17. Delegation of powers and duties
18. Meetings of Board
19. Requisitioned meetings
Chapter Four : Chambers
20. Establishment of Chambers
21. Office bearers of chambers
22. The functioning of chambers
23. Powers and functions of chambers
24. Appointment
25. Functions
26. Absence or vacancies
27. Removal of office bearers
Chapter Five : Executive Committee
28. Composition
29. Terms of office
30. Duties and functions
31. Powers
Chapter Six : Committees
32. General
33. Meetings and procedure
34. Learnership Committee
35. Education and Training Quality Assurance ("ETQA") Committee
36. Sector Skills Planning Committee
37. Audit Committee
38. Finance Committee
Chapter Seven : Finances and Fiduciary Responsibilities
39. Finances
40. Fiduciary duties of Board
41. Financial and general responsibilities of Board
Chapter Eight : General
42. Chief Executive Officer
43. Amendments to constitution
44. Code of conduct
45. Dispute resolution
Schedule 1 : Scope
Schedule 2 : Trade Unions, Employer Organisations and relevant Government Departments
Schedule 3 : Chambers in the sector
Bank Sector Education and Training Authority (BANKSETA)
Notice No. R. 889 of 2005
1. Name
2. Scope of Coverage
3. Definitions and Interpretation of Terms
4. Preamble
5. Functions and Objectives of the Authority
6. Legal Personality
7. Finances of the Authority
8. Grant of Levies
9. Membership and Composition of the Authority
10. Organisational Structures and Mechanisms for Governance -The Council and
11. Meetings of the Council and Proxy
12. Adjournment
13. Powers of the Authority and Council
14. Management Committee
15. Chairperson
16. Other Staff
17. Chambers and Committees of the Authority
18. Learnerships
19. Indemnities
20. Amendments to the Constitution
21. Statutory Requirements
22. Taking over of the Authority
23. Dissolution of the Authority
24. Dispute Resolution
25. Principal Office
Schedule A
Schedule B
Schedule C : BANKSETA Code of Conduct and Ethics
Schedule D
Clothing, Textile, Footwear and Leather Sector Education and Training Authority (CTFLSETA)
Notice No. R. 890 of 2005
1. Legal Entity
2. Definitions
3. Scope of Coverage
4. Functions of the SETA
5. Structure of the SETA
6. The Council
7. Committees of the Council
8. Specialist advisory committees
9. The Audit Committee
10. Delegation of powers and functions
11. Financing the SETA
12. Dispute Resolution
13. Indemnity
14. Assets, Liabilities and Obligations of Abolished Industry Training Boards
15. Written instructions to the SETA
16. Taking Over Administration of the SETA.
Schedule 1 : Definitions of the Clothing, Textiles, Footwear and Leather
Schedule 2: Organisations in the Sector
Schedule 3 : Code of Conduct for Council and Committee Members
Financial and Accounting Services Sector Education and Training Authority (FASSET)
Notice No. R. 891 of 2005
1. Legal Entity
2. Objects, Functions and Duties of Fasset
3. Fasset Constituency
4. Management Board
5. Audit Committee
6. Executive Committee (EXCO)
7. Working Committee
8. Chambers
9. Additional Core Corporate Governance Requirements
10. Code of Conduct
11. Taking over Administration of Authority
Schedule 1 : Scope of Coverage of Fasset
Schedule 2 : Fasset Constituency
Schedule 3 : Rules of Procedure
Health and Welfare Sector Education and Training Authority (HWSETA)
Notice No. R. 892 of 2005
1. Introduction
2. Definitions
3. Character
4. Objectives of Authority
5. Powers and Functions of Authority
6. Service Level Agreement
7. Learnerships
8. Skills Programmes
9. Members of Authority
10. Executive Committee
11. Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson
12. Establishment of Committees and Structures
13. Meeting Procedures
14. Appointment of Chief Executive Officer and other Staff of Authority
15. Finances
16. Code of Conduct
17. Dispute Resolution
18. Amendments to Constitution
19. Indemnification
20. Dissolution/Winding Up
21. Taking over Administration of Authority
Annexure A : Scope of the Authority
Annexure B : Organizations in the Sector
Annexure C : Code of Conduct
Annexure D : Dispute Resolution
Information Systems (IT), Electronics and Telecommunications Technologies Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA 12)
Notice No. R. 893 of 2005
Chapter One
1. The Purpose of the Constitution
Chapter Two
2. Definitions
Chapter Three
3. Organisations in the Sector
Chapter Four
4. Name
Chapter Five
5. Legal Status
Chapter Six
6. Place of Business
Chapter Seven
7. Areas of Jurisdiction
Chapter Eight
8. Objectives of the Authority
Chapter Nine
9. Functions and Duties of the Authority
Chapter Ten
10. Powers of the Authority
Chapter Eleven
11. Members of the Authority
Chapter Twelve
12. Nomination and Appointment of Members of the Authority and Commit
Chapter Thirteen
13. Annual General Meeting
Chapter Fourteen
14. Office Bearers of the Authority
Chapter Fifteen
15. Standing Committees
Chapter Sixteen
16. Executive Committee
Chapter Seventeen
17. Audit Committee
Chapter Eighteen
18. Provincial Committees
Chapter Nineteen
19. Functional Committees
Chapter Twenty
20. The Chief Executive Officer
Chapter Twenty-One
21. Delegation and Assignment of Functions
Chapter Twenty-Two
22. Functions of the Chairperson
Chapter Twenty-Three
23. Appointment and Functions of Secretary
Chapter Twenty-Four
24. Rights and Obligations of Members
Chapter Twenty-Five
25. Dispute Resolution
Chapter Twenty-Six
26. Finances of the Authority
Chapter Twenty-Seven
27. Accounting
Chapter Twenty-Eight
28. Code of Conduct
Chapter Twenty-Nine
29. Disclosure of Interest
Chapter Thirty
30. Confidentiality
Chapter Thirty-One
31. Terms of Office
Chapter Thirty-Two
32. Amendments to this Constitution
Chapter Thirty-Three
33. Taking Over Administration of Authority
Schedule 1 : Representation of Authority
Schedule 2
Amendment History Table
Insurance Sector Education and Training Authority (INSETA)
Notice No. R. 897 of 2005
Legal Entity
Scope and Coverage
Establishment of Committees and Structures
Meeting Procedures of Committees, other than Council
The Council
The Executive Management Committee
Finances and Corporate Governance
Chemical Industries and Training Authority (CHIETA)
Notice No. R. 104 of 2006
1. Introduction
2. Definitions
3. Name of Seta and Legal Status
4. Scope of Coverage of the CHIETA
5. Objectives
6. Structure of CHIETA
7. Governing Board
8. Composition of the Governing Board
9. Appointment of Members
10 Term and Conditions of Members
11. Office Bearers of the Governing Board
12. Meetings of the Governing Board
13. Executive Committee
14. Audit Committee
15. Functions of the Secretariat
16. Joint Stakeholder Forum
17. Chambers
18. Regional Co-Ordinating Committees
19. Office Bearers of the Joint Stakeholder Forum, Chambers and Regi
20. Committees
21. Code of Conduct
22. Dispute Resolution Procedure
23. Tender Procedure
24. Finances
25. Winding Up of CHIETA
26. Amendments to the Constitution
27. Rules and Regulations
Annexure A : Scope of Coverage
Annexure B : Organisations in Sector and Representation
Annexure C : Nomination of Members
Annexure D : Chambers of the CHIETA
Annexure E : Code of Conduct
Annexure F : Dispute Resolution
Annexure G : Rules and Regulations of the CHIETA
Annexure H : CHIETA Delegation of Responsibility
Transport Education and Training Authority (TETA)
Notice No. R. 105 of 2006
Purpose of the Constitution
1. Interpretation
2. Name
3. Legal Status
4. Place of Business
5. The Objectives of TETA
6. Scope of Coverage & Jurisdiction
7. Powers of TETA
8. Functions of TETA
9. TETA Constituency
10. Composition of the TETA Board
11. Role and Functions of the TETA Board
12. Board Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson.
13. Removal and Replacement of Members and Office Bearers
14. Delegation of Functions
15. Admission and Removal of Representative Groups by the Board
16. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
17. Board Committees
18. Election of Members of Board and or Chamber Committees, Chairpersons and V
19. Chambers
20. Meetings
21. Conduct of Board Members and Employees
22. Resolving a Constitutional Dispute
23. Finances of the TETA
24. Process for Amending the Constitution
25. Taking over Administration of TETA
Mining Qualifications Authority (MQA)
Notice No. R. 106 of 2006
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of Constitution
3. Name
4. Place of Business
5. Legal status
6. Scope of coverage
7. Organisations in sector
8. Objects of Authority
9. Powers of Authority
10. Functions
11. Members of Authority
12. Committees
13 Executive Committee
14. Nomination and appointment of members of Authority and committees
15. Vacation of office of Authority and committee members
16. Appointment and functions of Chief Executive Officer
17. Delegation and assignment of functions
18. Appointment and functions of chairperson
19. Appointment and functions of secretary
20. Rights and obligations of members
21. Meetings
22. Quorum
23. Procedures at meetings
24. Decision-making at meetings
25. Funds of Authority
26. Accounting officer of Authority
27. Dissolution of Authority and Committees
28. Limitation of liability
29. Arbitration
30. Code of conduct
31. Amendments to Constitution
32. Taking over administration of Authority
Schedule A : Scope of coverage
Schedule B : Organisations in sector
Schedule C : Organisations which may nominate members to Authority
Schedule D : Arbitration process
Schedule E : Code of Conduct
Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority (LGSETA)
Notice No. R. 107 of 2006
1. Definitions
2. Character
3. Objectives of Authority
4. Functions of Authority
5. Learnerships
6. Skills Programmes
7. Members of Authority
8. Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson
9. Executive Committee
10. Provincial Committees
11. Audit Committee, Chambers and other Committees
12. Meeting Procedures
13. Appointment of Chief Executive Officer and other Staff
14. Finances and Fiduciary Responsibilities
15. Code of Conduct
16. Arbitration
17. Amendments and Interpretation of Constitution
18. Indemnification
19. Amalgamation or Dissolution of the SETA
20. Taking over the Administration of the Authority
Annexure A : Scope of LGSETA
Annexure B : Formula for Proportional Allocation of Members
Annexure C: Code of Conduct
Annexure D : Arbitration Procedure
Annexure E : Registered Trade Unions, Employer Organisations and Relevant Gove
Annexure F : Organisations which may nominate members to authority
Energy Sector Education and Training Authority (ESETA)
Notice No. R. 828 of 2006
1. Name
2. Purpose of the Constitution
3. Vision and Mission of the Energy SETA
4. Objectives of the ESETA
5. Legal Status of the ESETA
6. Definitions
7. Area of Jurisdiction
8. Powers of the Authority
9. Functions and Duties of the Authority
10. Service Level Agreement
11. Composition of the Energy SETA
12. Composition of the Authority
13. Meetings of the Authority
14. Office Bearers of the Authority
15. Committees of the Authority
16. Executive Committee
17. Chief Executive Officer
18. Code of Conduct
19. Limitation of Liability
20. Dispute Resolution
21. Finances of the SETA
22. Taking Over Administration of the SETA
23. Amendment of this Constitution
The Statement of Stakeholder Endorsement
Schedule 1 : Updated Scope and Coverage of the Energy and Water Sector
Schedule 2 : The ESETA Stakeholders
Schedule 3 : Stakeholder Representation on the Authority of the Energy and Water
Construction Education and Training Authority (CETA)
Notice No. R. 829 of 2006
1. Purpose of the Constitution
2. Name
3. Legal Status
4. Registered Office
5. Definitions
6. Establishment of the CETA
7. Scope of coverage of the CETA
8. Powers of the CETA
9. Functions and objects of the CETA
10. Parties to the CETA
11. Composition of the CETA
12. Nomination and Appointment of Members of the CETA
13. Term of Office of CETA Members, Office Bearers and Standing Committee M
14. Vacation of Office by Members of the CETA and its Committees
15. Voting
16. Committees
17. Code of Conduct
18. Executive Committee
19. Finance Committee
20. ETQA Committee
21. Skills Development Committee
22. National Committee for Construction Sub-sector
23. National Committee for the Construction Material Manufacturing Sub-Sect
24. National Committee for the Built Environment Professional Consulting Su
25. Powers and Duties of National Sub-sector Committees
26. Regional Committees
27. Composition
28. Regional Committees
29. Meetings of the CETA and Committees
30. The Chief Executive Officer and Other Employees
31. Office bearers of the CETA
32. Finances of the CETA
33. Indemnity
34. Taking over administration of the CETA
35. Amalgamation and dissolution of SETA
36. Amendments to this Constitution
37. Dispute Resolution
Annexure A : Scope Of Coverage
Annexure B : Parties to the Construction Education
Wholesale and Retail Sector Education and Training Authority (W&R SETA)
Notice No. R. 901 of 2005
1. Preamble
2. Purpose
3. Name
4. Legal Status
5. Definitions
6. Scope of Operations of W&R SETA
7. Powers
8. Functions of the W&R Seta
9. Composition of the Board
10. Roles and Responsibilities of the Board
11. The Executive Committee
12. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
13. Committees
14. Finance Committee
15. Audit Committee
16. Chambers
17. Removal from the Board
18. Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson and Board Members
19. Meetings
20. Delegation and Assignment of Functions
21. Dispute Resolution
22. Conduct of Board Members
23. Liability of Board Members
24. Finances of the W&R SETA
Statement of Endorsement by Constituencies
Annexure A
Annexure B
INSETA Organogram/Governance Structure
Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services Sector Education & Training Authority (MERSETA)
Notice No. R. 830 of 2006
1. Purpose of the Constitution
2. Mission of the Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services SETA
3. Name and Legal Status
4. Definitions
5. Objectives
6. Area of Jurisdiction
7. Structures of the MERSETA
8. Functions of the Governing Board
9. Functions and Duties of the MERSETA
10. Composition of the Governing Board
11. Meetings of the Governing Board
12. Office Bearers and Members of the Governing Board
13. Committees of the MERSETA
14. Chief Executive Officer and Employees of the MERSETA
15. Conduct of Members
16. Limitation of Liability
17. Dispute Resolution Procedure
18. Finances of the MERSETA
19. Taking over Administration of the MERSETA
20. Amalgamation and Dissolution of SETAS
21. Amendment of this Constitution
22. Schedule 1 : Updated Scope and Coverage of the MERSETA
23. Schedule 2 : Trade Unions, Employer Organisations and Relevant Governme
24. Schedule 3 : Nomination of Members
25. Schedule 4 : Code of Conduct
26. Schedule 5 : Dispute Resolution
Schedule 6 : Terms of Reference of Governing Board Sub Structures
Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Training Authority (THETA)
Notice No. R. 831 of 2006
Chapter 1 : Name, Purpose and Legal Status
1. Name and Physical Address
2. Sector
3. Legal status
4. Purpose
Chapter 2 : Interpretation
5. This constitution
Chapter 3 : Functions and Duties
6. Functions and Duties of THETA
7. Powers of THETA
Chapter 4 : Composition of THETA
8. Constituency of THETA
9. Membership
10. Terms and conditions of office of Members of THETA
11. Nominations
Chapter 5 : Office-Bearers of THETA
12. Office-bearers
13. Functions of the Office-bearers
14. Election
15. Term of Office
16. Absence or vacant office
Chapter 6 : Standing Committees
17. General
18. The Executive Committee
19. The Audit Committee
20. The ETQA Committee
21. The Remuneration Committee
22. The Operations Committee
22.1 Duties and functions
22.2 The Tender Committee
Chapter 7 : Chambers
22.3 Duties and functions
22.4 Composition of Chambers
Chapter 8 : Meetings of THETA
23. Annual General Meeting
24. Other Meetings
25. Requested meetings
26. Committee Meetings
27. Notice of Meeting of THETA
28. Procedure
29. Voting
Chapter 9 : General Provisions
30 - 33. The Chief Executive Officer
34. Financial Matters
Chapter 10 : Conduct of Members - Duties of Members of the Board of the THETA, its Committees and Chambers
35. Code of conduct
36. Disclosure of interest
37. Governance Issues
38. Confidentiality
39. Terms of office
40. Amendment of this Constitution
Chapter 11 : Dispute Procedure
41. to 46. Dispute
Annexure A : List of SIC codes published by the Minister
Annexure B : Composition of Committees
Annexure C : Trade Unions, Employer Organisations
Annexure D : Governance - Roles of and Guidelines for Members
Establishment of Sector Education and Training Authorities
Notice No. R. 1082 of 1999
1. Definitions
2. Application for establishment as SETA
3. Establishment of SETA
4. Renewal of certificate of establishment
Notice No. R. 316 of 2005
Schedule 1
Schedule 2
Notice No. R. 1055 of 2010
Schedule 1
Schedule 2
List and Scope of Coverage of Sector Education and Training Authorities
Notice No. R. 1083 of 1999
Private Employment Agencies
Notice No. R. 608 of 2000
1. Definitions
2. Registration of work-seekers
3. Notification to labour centre by work-seeker
4. Notification to labour centre by employer
5. Registration of employment services for gain
Annexure 1 Registration of Workseekers
Annexures 2 - 8
Service Level Agreement Regulations, 2005
Notice No. R. 712 of 2005
1. Definitions
Chapter 1 : Performance Management of the SETA
2. Procedure for negotiating a service level agreement with SETAs
5. Matters which may be dealt with in service level agreements
Chapter 2 : Performance Management of the CEO
6A. Introduction
6B. Purpose
6C. Key Principles of the PM&D
6D. Linking the PM&D cycle to planning and budgeting
6E. Entering into a Performance Agreement
6F. Contents of performance agreement of the CEO
6G. The Development of an assessment instrument for annual appraisal
7. Short title
[Repealed] : Learnership Regulations, 2007
Prescribe the Limit regarding the Cost to Administer the National Skills Fund
Notice No. R. 1030 of 2010
1. Definitions
2. Costs to administer the Fund
Conditions of Service and Appointment of CEO of a SETA
Notice No. R. 902 of 2011
1. Definitions
2. Key elements in the appointment process of a CEO
3. Recruitment
4. Methods of recruitment
5. Advertising the post of CEO
6. Short listing and Selection
7. Salary band to the post of a CEO
8. Conditions of Service
9. Transitional Arrangements
Short title and commencement
Standard Constitution of SETA Regulations
Notice No. 369 of 2012
1. Definitions
2. Background and Purpose of Constitution
3. Executive Authority
4. Identification of the SETA
5. Objectives of SETA
6. Powers and Functions of SETA
7. Service Level Agreement and Strategic Plan of SETA
8. Accounting Authority
9. Executive Committee of Accounting Authority
10. Audit Committee of SETA
11. Finance Committee
12. Remuneration Committee
13. Governance and Strategy Committee
14. Chairperson of Accounting Authority
15. Meeting Procedures
16. Chief Executive Officer and Other Employees
17. Finances
18. Code of Conduct
19. Dispute Resolution
20. Indemnification
21. Amalgamation and Dissolution of SETA
22. Taking Over Administration of SETA
23. Amendment of Constitution
Annexure 1 : Scope of Authority
Annexure 2 : Code of Conduct
Annexure 3 : Dispute Resolution
Annexure 4 : Representation on Accounting Authority
Annexure 5 : Committees of SETA
Annexure 6 : Chambers of SETA
Annexure 7 : Procedure for Amending Constitution
Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs) Grant Regulations regarding monies received by a SETA and related matters
Notice No. R. 990 of 2012
1. Definitions
2. Limitation on administration costs of a SETA
3. SETA finances and financial management
4. Allocation of mandatory grants by a SETA
5. Mandatory grants paid to levy paying employers
6. Allocation of discretionary grants by a SETA
7. Approval of grants by a SETA
8. Grant disbursement schedule
9. Payment for services rendered by a SETA
10. Repeal of Regulations previously published
10A. Transitional arrangement
11. Short title and commencement
Annexure 1 : Regulations Repealed
Annexure 2 : (Private)
Annexure 3 : (Public)
Trade Test Regulations, 2014
Notice No. R. 376 of 2015
1. Definition
2. Application to undergo a trade test
3. Pre-trade test evaluation
4. Trade Test Specifications
5. Trade test fees and related rules
6. Review of pre-trade test evaluation and trade test
7. Trade test scheduling, monitoring, reporting and certification
8. Complaints
9. Appeals
10. Irregularities and offences
11. Transitional arrangements
12. Short title and commencement
SETA Work-Based Learning Programme Agreement Regulations, 2018
Notice No. 1241 of 2018
Chapter 1 : Definitions and Application
1. Definitions
2. Application
Chapter 2 : Parties to Agreement
3. Parties to agreement
4. Rights and duties
Chapter 3 : Registration of Agreement
5. Submission of agreement form
6. Conditional placement of learner
7. Requirements for registration
8. Additional requirements for a group of employers
9. Additional requirements for a group of providers
10. Registration decision by SETA
11. Amendment to agreement
12. Substitution of party
13. Suspension of agreement
14. Termination of agreement
15. Certification of learner achievements
16. Completion of agreement
Chapter 4 : Registering Learnerships
17. Registering Learnerships
18. Amending registered Leanerships
19. Deregistration of Learnerships
Chapter 5 : Disputes
20. Referral of dispute
Chapter 6 : Administrative Provisions
21. Record keeping by SETAs
22. Repeal of regulations
23. Transitional arrangements
24. Short title and commencement
Annexure A : Workplace Based Learning Programme Agreement Annexure
Annexure B : Application to Register a Learnership
Regulations for the Establishment of the National Apprenticeship and Artisan Development Advisory Body
Notice No. 3383 of 2023
Chapter 1 : Definitions, Acronyms and Purpose
1. Definitions
2. Acronyms
Chapter 2 : Establishment and Scope of Application
3. Establishment of NAADAB
4. Purpose
Chapter 3 : Governance and Funding
5. Governance
6. Decision Making
7. Terms of office of Chairperson and members
8. Nomination and Appointment Process of NAADAB members
9. Vacation of office
10. Filling of vacancies
11. Funding
Chapter 4 : Functions
12. Sub-Committees
Chapter 5 : Operations
13. Chairing of Meetings
14. Frequency of Meetings
15. Secretariat
16. Transitional arrangements
17. Short title and commencement
Notice of Abolition of Industry Training Boards established under sections 12A and 12B of the Manpower Training Act, 1981
Notice No. 267 of 2000
Guidelines regarding the Abolition of Industry Training Boards
1. Definitions
2. Custody and Control of assets, liabilities, rights and obligations pending transfer
3. Delegation by Minister
4. Certificate of abolition and indemnity
5. Completion of Transfer
6. No effect on rights of third parties
7. Transfer of assets, liabilities, rights and obligations of third parties
8. Transfer, retrenchment and remuneration of staff
9. Settling of liabilities and obligations
10. Deed of Transfer
11. Representations and Warranties by Officials and Members of the Board
12. Administration of laws
Annexure to the Industry Training Board Abolition Guidelines
Standard Deed
1. Preamble
2. Definitions and Interpretation
3. Transfer of Assets, Rights, Liabilities and Obligations
4. Representations and Warranties
5. Covenants
6. Indemnities
7. Applicable Law
Draft Deed of Assignment
Commencement of Skills Development Amendment Act, 2008
Notice No. R. 409 of 2009
The Re-Establishment of Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs) from 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2030, within the new SETA Landscape
Notice No. 1002 of 2019
Schedule 1
Schedule 2
Further Extension of the date for submission of the 2020/2021 financial year applications for mandatory grant in terms of Regulation 4(1) of the Sector Education and Training Authorities ("SETAs") grant regulations regarding Monies received by SETAS and r
Notice No. 752 of 2020
Re-establishment of Mining Qualifications Authority (MQA) from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2030, within the new SETA Landscape
Notice No. 1131 of 2020
Schedule 1
Schedule 2
Commencement of the Skills Development Act, 1998
Proclamation No. R. 23 of 2001
Schedule 1
Schedule 2
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