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Skills Development Act, 1998 (Act No. 97 of 1998)RegulationsRegulations for the Establishment of the National Apprenticeship and Artisan Development Advisory Body as a Legal Body for Apprenticeship and Artisan Development ConsultationChapter 2 : Establishment and Scope of Application4. Purpose |
(1) | This Regulation seeks to: |
(a) | develop a consultation platform for apprenticeship and artisan development. |
(b) | influence policy on apprenticeship and artisan development. |
(c) | advice on national apprenticeship and artisan development legislation, policy, advocacy programmes, curricula, research and knowledge management amongst other matters. |
(d) | promote the availability, free flow and accessing of detailed, accurate, past and current data for artisan trade prioritization, workplace learning development, learner placement, scientific target setting, monitoring & evaluation and alignment of artisan development to economic development priorities of the country. |
(e) | bring together knowledgeable artisan development stakeholders in order to: |
(i) | ensure complete articulation for occupational (trade and non-trade) qualifications within the NQF; |
(ii) | develop intervention mechanisms for apprenticeship and artisan development programmes as directed by the National Apprenticeship and Artisan Development Strategy 2030; |
(iii) | increase the quantity and quality of apprenticeship training; and |
(iv) | devise and continuously review a feasible Artisan Recognition of Prior Learning (ARPL) model, which sets out ARPL processes and systems focused on supporting persons who are working as support workers in the engineering field to become certificated artisans. |
(f) | encourage employers to: |
(i) | avail their workplaces as active learning environments; |
(ii) | provide employees with the opportunities to acquire new skills; |
(iii) | provide opportunities for potential apprentices to gain work experience; |
(iv) | provide opportunities for the development of employees to be mentors for the apprenticeship system; |
(v) | proactively and timeously provide input into current and future skills demands; and |
(vi) | avail relevant experience and expertise in research and curriculum design. |
(g) | Encourage organised labour to: |
(i) | ensure that workplace training takes place as required; |
(ii) | apprentice workplace conditions are realised as per relevant legislation; |
(iii) | opportunities are made available within workplaces for apprenticeship training; |
(iv) | ensure the development of mentors in the workplace; and |
(v) | avail relevant experience and expertise in research and curriculum design. |
(h) | encourage Skills Development Providers (including public TVET colleges) to: |
(i) | provide quality training in the theory and practical learning components; |
(ii) | develop closer ties with employers and professional, occupational and trades bodies; |
(iii) | provide training that is relevant to industries within their geographical footprints; and |
(iv) | provide training that is demand driven. |