Labour Relations Act, 1995
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Skills Development Act, 1998 (Act No. 97 of 1998)ConstitutionsConstitution of the Chemical Industries and Training Authority (CHIETA)17. Chambers |
17.1 | Establishment of Chambers |
17.1.1 | A total of five (5) Chambers is established in line with sub-sectors of the CHIETA as set out in Annexure ‘D". |
17.1.2 | The Governing Board may create additional or reduce the number of Chambers in line with the changing nature of the business by way of: | | merging the Chambers, or | | splitting of Chamber(s). |
17.2 | Composition of Chambers |
17.2.1 | Every Chamber shall consist of an equal number of representatives from organised employers on the one hand and organised employees on the other. |
17.2.2 | The Chambers may include representatives from: | | relevant Government Departments; | | relevant Professional Bodies; and | | other organisations that may add value. |
17.2.3 | The number and names of the representatives constituting the Chamber must be submitted to the Secretary. |
17.2.4 | The Chamber may invite any person to attend any meeting of the Chamber for 8 specific period or purpose, but such person will not be entitled to participate in any voting. |
17.2.5 | The Chambers shall follow the procedures for the convening of meetings, including the chairing, quorum, decision-making and recording of minutes of its meetings, set by the CHIETA secretariat. |
17.2.6 | The CHIETA will attend to the administrative and liaison function of the Chambers. |
17.3 | Functions of the Chambers |
17.3.1 | The Chambers will perform their functions by: | | submitting a Chamber Skills Plan, qualifications matrix and contributing towards a critical/scare skills list for the relevant sub-sector(s); | | monitoring the implementation of the Chamber Skills Plan; | | making recommendations on the nature, content and Committee; | | making recommendations to the Executive Committee and the Board on the qualifications development standards and qualifications in the Sector; | | making recommendations to the Executive Committee on the assessment of education and training standards and qualifications; | | making recommendations to the Executive Committee on the registration of assessors and the monitoring of assessments: | | making recommendations to the Executive Committee on the accreditation of training and assessment providers: | | contributing towards all other activities necessary for the development and implementation of the NQF; | | collating information in respect of the employment situation in the subsector; | | reporting to the Executive Committee on offers of financial assistance to the Chambers by donors and ensuring that any such offers are managed through the CHIETA's normal financial systems; | | monitoring the distribution of levy grants to companies in terms of the agreed formula; | | exercising and performing any function, power and duty that is conferred upon it in terms of this Constitution or which is delegated to it by the Governing Board except where such power, function or duty may not be delegated. |
17.3.2 | The Chambers do not have decision-making powers. Any recommendations arising from the performance of the above functions may be proposed in writing by a Chamber to the Executive Committee. If the Executive Committee has the power to decide on particular recommendations then it may do so, if the Executive Committee does not have the power then it may refer the proposal to the Governing Board for a decision. |