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Skills Development Act, 1998 (Act No. 97 of 1998)ConstitutionsConstitution of the Chemical Industries and Training Authority (CHIETA)AnnexuresAnnexure G : Rules and Regulations of the CHIETA |
1. | A motion proposed at a meeting may not be considered unless it has been seconded. |
2. | The Chairperson may require a motion, which has a proposer and seconder to be submitted in writing in which case the Chairperson must read the motion to the meeting. |
3. | No motion may be withdrawn or amended without the consent of the member proposing and the member seconding the same motion. |
4. | Unless this Constitution provides otherwise, all motions must be decided by majority of votes of those voting members present. Voting can take place on a show of hands or secret ballot. |
5. | Where at least 75% of the members have reached agreement on a matter referred to them, via letter, fax or telephone, by the Chairperson without convening a meeting and have conveyed their agreement to the Governing Board via letter or telefax, such resolution shall be deemed to be a resolution of the Governing Board, shall be recorded in the minutes of the next ordinary meeting and the Register of Resolutions. |
6. | If a member is unable to attend a meeting, his/her views on any matter on the agenda concerned may be communicated to the meeting in writing but shall not count as a vote by the member concerned. |
7. | No member may participate in a discussion or vote on a matter in which he/she has a direct or indirect pecuniary, financial or other material interest, unless he/she first discloses the extent of his/her interest and obtains the permission of the meeting to participate in the discussion or vote on the matter or both. |
8. | If a member, without obtaining the Governing Board‘s permission, participates in the proceedings in connection with the matter in which he/she does have a direct or indirect pecuniary, financial or other material interest and vote on such matter, such vote shall be deemed invalid. |
9. | The ruling by the Chairperson on any point of order or procedure shall be binding. |