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Skills Development Act, 1998 (Act No. 97 of 1998)ConstitutionsConstitution of the Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Training Authority (THETA)Chapter 6 : Standing Committees17. General |
17.1 | The Standing Committees of the Board of the THETA shall be: |
17.1.1 | the Executive Committee; |
17.1.2 | the Audit Committee; |
17.1.3 | the ETQA Committee; |
17.1.4 | the Operations Committee; |
17.1.5 | the Remuneration Committee; |
17.1.6 | the Tender Committee. |
17.2 | The Standing Committees shall have the duties, functions and composition provided for in this constitution and may seek and consider the advice of the Chambers and other standing committees. |
17.3 | Each Standing Committee, save for the Executive Committee, shall have the power to co-opt, for a period of not longer than one year, a maximum of 3 additional Members who need not be Board Members of THETA or of a Chamber but who have expertise, knowledge or experience in matters relevant to the duties and functions of that committee. Co-opted Members will have the right to attend and speak at meetings of the committee, but not to vote. |
17.4 | The term of office of each of the Committee Members shall be for a period of 2 years from the date of their appointment. |
17.5 | The composition of the Standing Committees of THETA is laid out in annexure "B" to this constitution. |
17.6 | The Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of the Board of the THETA shall hold office on any Committee to which they are appointed, in terms of this constitution, for the period that they remain Office-bearers. |
17.7 | Any Member of the Board of the THETA who is not elected to a Standing Committee shall be entitled to attend by invitation and speak at meetings of that Committee but not to vote. |
17.8 | Any staff Member of THETA who is required from time to time to attend a meeting of a Committee shall be entitled to speak at the meeting but not to vote. |